• 22,102 Achievements Earned
  • 57 Players Tracked
  • 500 Total Achievements
  • 801 Obtainable EXP
  • 36 100% Club

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Store Description

Congratulations on your Archer's story, where you are waiting for an adventure in which time you need to bring your world back to normal. To do this, you will have to go through the lands familiar to you for a long time and overcome the difficult, sometimes exhausting, and at times, unjust battle of those who changed your world.
In this game you need to kill enemies on level for extra hp for battle with bosses, but you can find some troubles while you trying to get end of level.
Kill level boss and get achievements for this. Next boss will wait for you.
Also, you can turn on the voice of one of the most popular streamers in the CIS, Evil Arthas.