• 13 Achievements Earned
  • 4 Players Tracked
  • 24 Total Achievements
  • 3,048 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club

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Store Description

Humanity flees a disaster in the Terran Republic, but only a handful survive. These survivors flee into the galaxy in whatever ships can be retrofitted for multi-generational deep space survival. These Arks hold the last of Humanity. The remains of the Republic’s worlds are hurled at super relativistic speeds ahead of the Arks, seeding the space before them with deadly asteroids.

-Take control of an Ark and defend it from threats without... and within

-Make your way through a hostile galaxy defending the your Ark from more than 15 different alien races and 31 different bosses

-Decide the fate of your populace; rule as a tyrant, allow chaos to reign, support democratic governments, or vent your problems into space (to be clear venting your problems into space should never be off the table regardless of your other choices)

-Discover more than 500 unique encounters

-Build your flotilla & upgrade your Ark

-See how long you can keep humanity's last hope alive!