• 12,378 Trophies Earned
  • 1,443 Players Tracked
  • 12 Total Trophies
  • 1,197 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 755 Platinum Club
  • 745 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Your are a master of the ascent

    52.32% (150.00)
  • Score 100% on level 2 of Ascendshaft

    73.11% (107.00)
  • Score 100% on level 3 of Ascendshaft

    75.12% (104.00)
  • Score 100% on level 4 of Ascendshaft

    73.67% (106.00)
  • Score 100% on level 5 of Ascendshaft

    70.48% (111.00)
  • Beat Second Boss in Ascendshaft

    62.30% (126.00)
  • Score 100% in one playthrough of Ascendshaft

    61.12% (128.00)
  • Beat first boss in Ascendshaft

    82.19% (8.00)
  • Score 100% in level 1 of Ascendshaft

    78.10% (100.00)
  • kill 50 enemies without dying

    52.39% (150.00)
  • Complete a level without killing any enemies

    78.52% (100.00)
  • Die ten times in one session

    98.48% (7.00)