Unlock 5 Skills in the skill tree.
Hide in the environment or in a crowd for a cumulative 90 minutes.
Equip the Rostam Dagger.
Finish the main story with Full Synchronization on Assassin difficulty or higher.
Perform 100 melee kills.
Visit Alamut.
Equip the Novice Talisman.
Perform 100 Kills by using throwing knives.
Reach the first Baghdad Bureau in New Game+.
Perform 50 assassinations.
Knock out enemies 100 times by using blowdarts.
Fly with Enkidu for a cumulative 15 minutes.
Complete a faction contract.
Perform 100 Kills with poison.
Get your hidden blade.
Perform 100 pickpockets.
Read all History of Baghdad entries.
Assassinate Al-Pairika in New Game+.
Incapacitate enemies 100 times by using smoke bombs.
Equip the Master Talisman.
Equip the Scarab Talisman.
Equip the Initiate of Alamut Outfit.
Equip the Hidden One Sword.
Perform 100 assassinations.
Upgrade an outfit or a weapon at the blacksmith or the tailor.
Play for more than 10 hours.
Perform 10 Assassin's Focus kills.
Upgrade one of your Tools.
Perform 50 Chain Assassination kills.
Finish the main story with Full Synchronization on Master Assassin difficulty.
Perform 100 Leaps of Faith.
Finish the main story in New Game+.
Assassinate Al-Mardikhwar in New Game+.
Equip the Disciple Talisman.
Finish the main story with Full Synchronization on Apprentice difficulty or higher.
Equip the Assassin Talisman.
Perform 10 assassinations.
Assassinate Al-Rabisu in New Game+.
Distract enemies 100 times by using noisemakers.
Kill 10 Shakiriyya.
Incapacitate enemies 100 times by using traps.