• 4,784,483 Trophies Earned
  • 204,750 Players Tracked
  • 51 Total Trophies
  • 12,839 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,635 Points
  • 78,993 Platinum Club
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Found all trophies in ASTRO's PLAYROOM. See you in our next adventure!

    38.58% (233.00)
  • Cleared Memory Meadow.

    63.31% (142.00)
  • Cleared SSD Speedway.

    61.06% (147.00)
  • Cleared Cooling Springs.

    68.06% (132.00)
  • Cleared GPU Jungle.

    67.12% (134.00)
  • Got your first artefact!

    90.29% (100.00)
  • Got all artefacts in Cooling Springs.

    45.84% (196.00)
  • Got all artefacts in GPU Jungle.

    45.02% (200.00)
  • Got all artefacts in SSD Speedway.

    43.82% (205.00)
  • Got all artefacts in Memory Meadow.

    46.93% (192.00)
  • Collected all artefacts in the 4 main stages and the PS Labo. Wow!

    42.81% (210.00)
  • Got your first puzzle piece.

    99.04% (91.00)
  • Got all puzzle pieces in Cooling Springs.

    44.73% (201.00)
  • Got all puzzle pieces in GPU Jungle.

    43.78% (206.00)
  • Got all puzzle pieces in SSD Speedway.

    43.62% (206.00)
  • Got all puzzle pieces in Memory Meadow.

    45.58% (197.00)
  • Got all puzzle pieces in the game. Way to go!

    42.47% (212.00)
  • Got your first Gatcha prize.

    75.82% (119.00)
  • Got a secret gatcha.

    56.87% (158.00)
  • Got half the gatcha prizes.

    55.29% (163.00)
  • Got all gatcha prizes.

    46.30% (194.00)
  • Sent 10 bots flying with a single spin attack.

    43.94% (205.00)
  • Walked around with at least 20 bots following you in CPU Plaza.

    46.78% (192.00)
  • Punched the PS Logo on the PS2 in PlayStation Labo.

    44.23% (203.00)
  • Picked up a trophy in PlayStation Labo.

    44.52% (202.00)
  • Punched and looked into the lens of PS VR in PlayStation Labo.

    44.61% (202.00)
  • Stood on the tip of the Aim Controller in PlayStation Labo.

    40.88% (220.00)
  • Walked under the PlayStation Home icon in PlayStation Labo.

    42.66% (211.00)
  • Opened the lid of the PlayStation console in PlayStation Labo.

    52.39% (172.00)
  • Juggled a ball 5 times with the Frog Suit.

    44.43% (203.00)
  • Dived into the water from the diving board.

    54.47% (165.00)
  • Jumped in the fountain near the final goal in Cooling Springs.

    42.55% (212.00)
  • Jumped 3 times during a spin attack on ice.

    39.22% (229.00)
  • Sheltered from the heavy rain in Memory Meadow.

    39.85% (226.00)
  • Got hit by flying rubbish in Memory Meadow.

    68.95% (131.00)
  • Got a strike in Memory Meadow.

    53.01% (170.00)
  • Deflected a Spitter's attack with an arrow.

    47.94% (188.00)
  • Made a huge snowball.

    41.26% (218.00)
  • Fell 30 meters and caught yourself in the monkey suit in GPU Jungle.

    45.54% (198.00)
  • Hit all rabbits with arrows at the mountain peak of GPU Jungle.

    41.40% (217.00)
  • Performed a spin while shooting the machine gun.

    40.38% (223.00)
  • Beat 3 enemies quickly by punching them.

    82.87% (109.00)
  • Revealed former logo in PlayStation Labo.

    40.95% (220.00)


Earned Date
  • Cleared the game and got the New Generation artefacts.

    51.47% (175.00)
  • Got a total Speed Run time of 7 minutes or under.

    27.67% (325.00)
  • Made the CPU Chip punch the glass sphere, sending at least 10 Bots flying.

    39.43% (228.00)


Earned Date
  • Rescued all four Special Bots. Time to go off to a new adventure!

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Rescued Special Bot trapped in GPU Jungle.

    5.41% (1664.00)
  • Rescued Special Bot trapped in Memory Meadow.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Rescued Special Bot trapped in SSD Speedway.

    3.61% (2493.00)
  • Rescued Special Bot trapped in Cooling Springs.

    0.00% (0.00)