• 15,542 Trophies Earned
  • 761 Players Tracked
  • 28 Total Trophies
  • 683 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 523 Platinum Club
  • 520 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all trophies

    68.20% (28.00)
  • Get the top score of 99 in Air-Sea Battle’s Shooting Gallery

    73.06% (26.00)
  • Take out 10 fleas in a row in arcade Centipede, without letting one reach the bottom or losing a life

    71.88% (26.00)
  • Hit the ground in Lunar Lander with at least 550 downward velocity

    74.51% (25.00)
  • Take out an entire Millipede with DDT in the arcade version

    76.35% (25.00)
  • Earn a point in Pong by sending the ball into the corner when it can't be reached

    95.27% (1.00)
  • Win a game of Pong against the AI without losing a point to it

    74.51% (25.00)
  • Take out the Swirl with your Zorlon Cannon in Yars’ Revenge

    74.24% (25.00)
  • Eliminate all the mushrooms in a level of arcade Centipede

    73.72% (25.00)
  • Score a kill in Combat's Tank-Pong using a shot that has bounced at least 7 times

    74.11% (25.00)
  • Win with no wall left in arcade Warlords

    70.04% (27.00)
  • Solve Atari Video Cube

    73.85% (25.00)
  • Play Happy Birthday in Brain Games' Play-Me (Game 19)

    71.22% (26.00)
  • Hit the ejected garbage in Major Havoc

    83.97% (1.00)
  • Win Level 2 without slaying a single dragon in Adventure

    70.17% (27.00)
  • Kill 10 UFOs in a single level of arcade Asteroids without dying

    70.57% (27.00)
  • Win Ultimate Haunted House (Game 9)

    70.30% (27.00)
  • Earn a bonus city in arcade Missile Command after losing all your cities

    70.57% (27.00)
  • Get a score of at least 40 in Race's solo Crash n Score (Game 8)

    71.09% (26.00)
  • Clear a full screen in arcade Super Breakout while playing cavity or double

    70.30% (27.00)
  • Win a game of Video Chess against the machine at Skill Level 4

    70.04% (27.00)
  • Finish Adventure Level 1 in under 40 seconds

    71.75% (26.00)
  • Go an entire level of arcade Asteroids with a score of zero

    70.57% (27.00)
  • Try every game

    71.22% (26.00)
  • Complete all 32 levels in Xari Arena

    68.46% (27.00)
  • Clear the level in Avalanche

    71.09% (26.00)
  • Spell SKYDIVER

    71.48% (26.00)
  • Hit at least 30 objects in a row in Astroblast without letting one get by

    69.78% (27.00)