• 24 Achievements Earned
  • 6 Players Tracked
  • 21 Total Achievements
  • 4,398 Obtainable EXP
  • 58,500 Points (XP)
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Check the logs. Logs are great to let know you know what is going in the background when you use Tasker actions and conditions.

    66.67% (186.00)
  • Accessed the AutoPebble FAQ. Always best to go to through it before asking questions at the Google+ Tasker Plugins by joaomgcd community.

    66.67% (186.00)
  • Imported another App into AutoPebble so that you can use it. You can launch other Pebble apps with the "AutoPebble App" action and intercept commands from other apps with the "AutoPebble Other App" Tasker event. To import an app, touch the "Get More Apps" option in AutoPebble then select the apps you want to import. Make sure to enable the app after it is imported or it will be ignored!

    50.00% (248.00)
  • You've gotten a cool achievement, right? Now share it, so you can let everybody know just how awesome you are at automating stuff! Do this by touching an unlocked achievement in the achievement list. Yes, this list right here!

    50.00% (248.00)
  • Detected a new Pebble App with AutoPebble, so that you can launch it or intercept its commands. To do this, enable the "Automatically Detect" option in AutoPebble, then try to open other apps on your watch and see if they are detected by AutoPebble. If they are, you can then intercept their commands and use them in Tasker. Make sure to enable the app after it is detected or it will be ignored!

    66.67% (186.00)
  • Logged a command from another Pebble App. To do this, enable the "Log Other Apps" option in AutoPebble. When you do this, you can check the logs to see what commands other apps are sending. Then you can use those commands in the "AutoPebble Other App" Tasker event and react to them in Tasker. Essentially you can integrate Tasker with any app that sends out commands :)

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Used the "Actions" field in the "AutoPebble List" Tasker action to set actions for each of the items on the list. If you don't set actions, the labels of the items will be used as actions by default. This allows you to have something appear on the pebble, but make the command of clicking that item be different from the label.

    16.67% (743.00)
  • Created an interactive List on your Pebble with the "AutoPebble List" Tasker action. Lists allow you to have multiple items where each one can have a differente command.

    33.33% (372.00)
  • Create a 3 button screen on your Pebble with the "AutoPebble Quick Screen" action that gives you access to 14 different actions: top, middle and bottom click, double-click and and long-click, back button click and double-click and motion commands in X, Y and Z axis.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Created a long text screen on your Pebble with the "AutoPebble Text" Tasker action. This allows you to have a long scrollable screen of text, where you can still assign some actions to middle and back buttons.

    16.67% (743.00)
  • Used a valid vibration pattern in any AutoPebble Screen. To create a valid vibration pattern you can follow Tasker's own Vibration Pattern instructions, or go here: http://autoremotejoaomgcd.appspot.com/AutoRemoteNotification.html then click your vibration pattern on the "Click Pattern Here" button, copy the resulting pattern and paste it in the "Vibration Pattern" field in AutoPebble.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Created an overlappable screen by setting the "ID" field in any AutoPebble Screen Tasker action. This allows for the screen to be easily replaced by another one if you create a new screen with the same ID

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Made a screen created by any AutoPebble Screen Tasker action show up immediately on your Pebble and not wait for your to open the watch app. To do this, select the option to "Open Watch App" in any AutoPebble Screen Tasker action.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Opened another app using the "AutoPebble App" Tasker action. To do this, first import another Pebble app into AutoPebble, then in the "AutoPebble App" action, choose the "Other Pebble App" you want to launch and the "Open" action in the "Action" field.

    16.67% (743.00)
  • Used the AutoApps command system to trigger a profile in Tasker with the "AutoPebble" event condition. Learn about the AutoApps command system here: http://joaoapps.com/autoapps-command-system/

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Triggered a Tasker profile with an "AutoPebble" Tasker condition. To do this, create a new profile with the event->plugins->AutoPebble condition and fill the "Command Filter" with a message corresponding to an action that a previously created AutoPebble screen produces.

    16.67% (743.00)
  • Used the AutoApps command system to trigger a profile in Tasker with the "AutoPebble" event condition where the used command has more than one "=:=" like "command=:=this one=:=and this one too". This will create an %apcomm() variable array that contains all phrases that are between "=:=". Learn about the AutoApps command system here: http://joaoapps.com/autoapps-command-system/

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Used a command prefix in an "AutoPebble List" Tasker action. This allows you to prepend "prefix=:=" to every item on the list, so that the commands sent from that list start with the same AutoApps command. Learn about the AutoApps command system here: http://joaoapps.com/autoapps-command-system/

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Triggered a Tasker profile by reacting to a command from another Pebble App. To do this, add a new profile with the "AutoPebble Other App" event condition and set the relevant options. To find out what Keys and Values an app sends, enable the "Log Other Apps" option in the main app and check the logs when you open another app or press buttons while inside other apps.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Triggered a Tasker Task when your Pebble connected to your Android device! To do this, add a profile with the "AutoPebble App" event condition and check the "Pebble Connected" option. This will allow you to set a default screen on your Pebble whenever it connects for example, or only execute certain tasks while you're near your Android Device.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Close the most recently opened AutoPebble screen on your pebble. To do this, add an "AutoPebble App" action in Tasker and in the "Control Watch App" field, select the "Go Back" option.

    0.00% (0.00)