• 609 Achievements Earned
  • 241 Players Tracked
  • 16 Total Achievements
  • 20,335 Obtainable EXP
  • 4 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Create a match of ten items.

    100.00% (67.00)
  • Get 12,000 points in the Time challenge with a multiplier of 1.

    7.47% (899.00)
  • Play a classic level without matching even one move on blue tiles.

    3.32% (2022.00)
  • Include four compass pieces in one match.

    41.08% (163.00)
  • Create a match of 16 or more items.

    32.78% (205.00)
  • Squish five bugs with a single match.

    5.39% (1246.00)
  • Create a match of 24 or more items.

    13.69% (490.00)
  • Get a medal from half of the levels in the Medal challenge.

    8.71% (771.00)
  • Collect all the flowers before any leaves fall.

    4.56% (1472.00)
  • Kill a bug in flight.

    11.62% (578.00)
  • Turn all of the wood tiles before turning any steel tiles during one level.

    3.32% (2022.00)
  • Create a ball lightning with every move during one level.

    5.81% (1156.00)
  • Turn all of the tiles blue 10 or more times during one round of Time challenge.

    1.66% (4044.00)
  • Make every match next to a fiery tile in one level of the fire game mode.

    5.81% (1156.00)
  • Reach a multiplier of 30 in the Time challenge.

    4.98% (1348.00)
  • Get a medal from all of the levels in the Medal challenge.

    2.49% (2696.00)