• 4,033 Trophies Earned
  • 366 Players Tracked
  • 39 Total Trophies
  • 9,290 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 22 Platinum Club
  • 22 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Proof of unlocking every achievement. Thank you! We couldn't be more grateful for all the playing you've put in!

    6.01% (538.00)
  • Our battle is just getting started! This is for getting time-looped. I think you gotta capture spell cards or something to get out of it?

    59.02% (55.00)
  • Proof that you played the game with a shrine maiden. I dub you Shrine Maiden Fan. You can also play with Marisa the ordinary magician. Give it a whirl!

    20.49% (158.00)
  • Proof that you played the game with an ordinary magician. I dub you Ordinary Magician Fan. You can also play with Cirno the ice fairy. Give it a whirl!

    18.58% (174.00)
  • Proof that you played the game with a fairy. I dub you Fairy Fan. You can also play with Reimu, the Hakurei Shrine Maiden. Give it a whirl!

    16.12% (201.00)
  • Proof that you played the game extensively with a shrine maiden. I dub you Shrine Maiden Aficionado. Now try finishing hard mode with the ordinary magician.

    11.48% (282.00)
  • Proof that you played the game extensively with an ordinary magician. I dub you Ordinary Magician Aficionado. Now try finishing hard mode with the ice fairy.

    9.84% (329.00)
  • Proof that you played the game extensively with a fairy. I dub you Fairy Aficionado. Now try finishing hard mode with the Hakurei shrine maiden.

    8.47% (382.00)
  • Proof that you mastered the game with a shrine maiden. I dub you Shrine Maiden Adherent. We offer a rite of blessing to you, a supremely gifted player!

    6.83% (473.00)
  • Proof that you mastered the game with an ordinary magician.I dub you Ordinary Magician Adherent. We offer a spell of blessing to you, a supremely gifted player!

    6.28% (515.00)
  • Proof that you mastered the game with a fairy. I dub you Fairy Adherent. We offer a season of blessing to you, a supremely gifted player!

    6.28% (515.00)
  • The mark of a player that likes to give themselves unnecessary restrictions. It's always impressive to see someone shine without relying on bombs in tight spots!

    14.21% (228.00)
  • The mark of a player that likes to give themselves unnecessary restrictions. Yeesh, I take my hat off to you. Keep it up!

    7.65% (423.00)
  • The mark of a player that likes to give themselves unnecessary restrictions. You finally pulled it off. You cleared Lunatic without using any!

    6.28% (515.00)
  • The mark of a player with fantastic reflexes. I dub you Clearsighted. Do you see everything frame by frame? Or did you just luck out big time...?

    28.14% (115.00)
  • Proof that you've picked up a few bullets. I dub you Absorption Apprentice. You can get this much through normal play, right? Tee hee. ♪

    92.62% (35.00)
  • Proof that you know how to pick up bullets. I dub you Absorption Journeyman. You can get a lot of bullets by triggering your barrier while letting enemies stick around to fire, right?

    67.49% (48.00)
  • Proof that you've gathered a whole lot of bullets. I dub you Absorption Master. When you absorb this many, you get strong enough to even one-shot a boss!

    31.15% (104.00)
  • Proof that you dove headlong into danger. I dub you Challenger. It's risky, but the game rewards you with a nice return for it. No guts, no glory!

    91.26% (35.00)
  • Proof that you dove headlong into danger. I dub you High Return. You know that high risks mean high reward!

    51.91% (62.00)
  • Proof that you dove headlong into danger. I dub you Risk Master. You survived against impossible odds. Dodging by a hair is second nature to you.

    15.03% (215.00)
  • A strange, otherworldly space where wanderers and the lost end up... Only people who have resolved the incident can reach this place.

    24.59% (131.00)
  • Proof that you've captured your very first spell card. If you can capture them all, you'll be a Spell Card Meister!

    86.07% (38.00)
  • Mark of a Speed King: Brought a boss's gauge from full to nothing in under 10 seconds. Given to you for going all-out on a boss!

    38.52% (84.00)
  • Mark of a Complete Break, where you completely and utterly trounced the bosses. No danmaku is too tricky for you!

    71.31% (45.00)
  • A mark of shame for stooping to any low in an effort to win. The surprise attack must have worked great on a dumb opponent, huh?

    13.66% (237.00)
  • A mark of shame for stooping to any low in an effort to win. Surprise attacks don't work on the charismatic.

    11.75% (275.00)
  • You tried to look? Sakuya is having none of your shenanigans. I think that dirty thoughts are bad!

    14.21% (228.00)
  • You SAW?! Sakuya must be throwing her hands up in disgust. If you strived that hard, I guess you deserve some props!

    9.56% (338.00)
  • You completed all spell cards on normal difficulty! Very well done! Congratulations!

    12.02% (269.00)
  • You completed all spell cards on hard difficulty! I can't believe you actually did it... Congratulations!

    7.65% (423.00)
  • You completed all spell cards on lunatic difficulty! Wait, seriously? That's an incredible achievement!

    6.01% (538.00)
  • This one's a freebie for playing the game for the first time. What is the incident befalling Gensokyo? Play and solve the mystery!

    100.00% (32.00)
  • You've got a few odd accessories. You're a collecting beginner! Dress up the girls to be extra distinctive and darling. ♪

    59.84% (54.00)
  • You've got over half the accessories now. You're a real collector! Dress up the girls even more to be extra distinctive and darling. ♪

    16.39% (197.00)
  • You've collected all the accessories. You're a collecting veteran! Coordinate up a storm with all these accessories!

    10.38% (311.00)
  • You've cleared the extra stage on normal difficulty! A more fearsome apparition awaits you at a new difficulty...

    19.13% (169.00)
  • You've cleared the extra stage on hard difficulty! A more fearsome apparition awaits you at an even newer difficulty...

    14.48% (223.00)
  • You've cleared the extra stage on lunatic difficulty! You've beaten all of the extra stages! Nice!

    10.93% (296.00)