• 17,283 Trophies Earned
  • 4,476 Players Tracked
  • 11 Total Trophies
  • 13,900 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 125 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Complete the campaign on any difficulty

    14.37% (1035.00)
  • Complete the campaign on hard, recruit all commanders and keep them alive

    3.91% (3802.00)
  • Kill 1000 vikings

    40.08% (371.00)
  • Kill 15000 vikings

    3.17% (4690.00)
  • Purchase an upgrade for one of your commanders

    100.00% (149.00)
  • Fully upgrade one of your commanders

    14.77% (1007.00)
  • Win an island in the snow

    27.88% (533.00)
  • Win an island at nighttime

    19.37% (768.00)
  • Win 3 islands on a single turn

    13.05% (1139.00)
  • Kill all the vikings in a ship, before it reaches the shore

    84.32% (176.00)
  • Win 10 islands in a row, without losing a single house

    64.54% (230.00)