• 201,532 Trophies Earned
  • 24,774 Players Tracked
  • 35 Total Trophies
  • 12,994 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 878 Platinum Club
  • 876 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collected all other trophies

    3.54% (1103.00)
  • Reach Player Level 5

    98.41% (40.00)
  • Reach Player Level 15

    58.14% (67.00)
  • Reach Player Level 25

    38.07% (103.00)
  • Get a quad-kill while defending an objective

    21.16% (185.00)
  • Capture 100 objectives in Conquest

    19.31% (202.00)
  • Successfully extract 25 times in Hazard Zone

    4.07% (959.00)
  • Successfully extract with 50 Data Drives in Hazard Zone

    4.77% (819.00)
  • Win 42 rounds across all game modes

    22.43% (174.00)
  • Earn a T1 Mastery Badge with any Specialist

    7.22% (541.00)
  • Earn a T1 Mastery Badge with any Weapon

    8.25% (473.00)
  • Earn a T1 Mastery Badge with any Vehicle

    4.36% (896.00)
  • Earn a T1 Mastery Badge with any Gadget or Throwable

    7.00% (558.00)
  • Destroy an air vehicle with a rocket launcher while parachuting

    7.98% (489.00)
  • Wingsuit fly from the Rocket Hangar to the Launch Pad on Orbital

    18.59% (210.00)
  • Travel for 1000m with Mackay's Grappling Hook

    23.13% (169.00)
  • Perform 7 kills in one life with Dozer's SOB-8 Ballistic Shield

    8.05% (485.00)
  • Inflict 2500 damage in one round while defending objectives using Boris' SG-36 Sentry Gun

    5.09% (767.00)
  • Heal 3000 points of damage within a single round with Falck's S21 Syrette Pistol

    5.59% (699.00)
  • Call in 15 Loadout Crates with Angel

    9.05% (431.00)
  • Kill 500 enemy soldiers while not in a Vehicle

    37.22% (105.00)
  • Killed 50 enemies while in Vehicles

    30.76% (127.00)
  • Earn a Ribbon III of each type

    11.11% (351.00)
  • Repair 1000 damage on Vehicles in one round

    5.45% (716.00)
  • Destroy 50 Vehicles

    19.79% (197.00)
  • Revive 100 teammates

    23.23% (168.00)
  • Resupply 50 teammates

    28.91% (135.00)
  • Successfully extract in Hazard Zone without anyone in the squad having died

    6.58% (593.00)
  • Travel 25 km without using vehicles

    66.73% (59.00)
  • Perform 20 melee kills in one round

    8.29% (471.00)
  • Perform 20 headshot kills in one round

    25.32% (154.00)
  • Perform a roadkill with an air vehicle

    12.11% (322.00)
  • Earn first place as a squad

    64.94% (60.00)
  • Outstanding performance achieved

    60.10% (65.00)
  • Travel 15km using ground vehicles

    38.73% (101.00)