• 2,182 Trophies Earned
  • 290 Players Tracked
  • 56 Total Trophies
  • 12,458 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 11 Platinum Club
  • 11 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies

    3.79% (440.00)
  • Make a Tool at a Toolsmith

    100.00% (17.00)
  • Repair the Ship

    93.79% (18.00)
  • Repair the Spaceship

    37.59% (44.00)
  • Colonise a Planet

    37.24% (45.00)
  • Colonise an innermost Planet

    15.52% (107.00)
  • Colonise an outermost Planet

    14.14% (118.00)
  • Survive a whale attack

    20.69% (81.00)
  • Prevent a Whale attack with a Space Elevator

    13.79% (121.00)
  • Finish the game

    8.62% (193.00)
  • Hide all Peeps on a Planet in Shelters during a Whale attack

    5.17% (322.00)
  • Fully protect a Planet with a Shield

    7.93% (210.00)
  • Tame a Minotaur

    7.59% (220.00)
  • Tame a Gremlin Nest

    12.07% (138.00)
  • Tame a Sphinx

    7.59% (220.00)
  • Tame a Kraken

    7.24% (230.00)
  • Repair the Ship in 15 in-game minutes

    12.07% (138.00)
  • Repair the Spaceship in 90 in-game minutes

    9.31% (179.00)
  • Have 100+ Happy Peeps living in Apartments with 10 Fountains and no Pollution on an Island.

    5.17% (322.00)
  • Colonise 7 Planets in 1 game

    7.59% (220.00)
  • Have all Peeps wearing Good Clothing

    4.48% (372.00)
  • Have one Island with 300+ Peeps on it, all with homes

    6.55% (254.00)
  • Have one Island with 200+ Peeps, all happy and housed

    6.55% (254.00)
  • 100+ Happy Peeps on an Island with no Fields, Extractor, Industry or Quality of Life buildings.

    5.17% (322.00)
  • Repair Spaceship without ever demolishing a Forest

    10.69% (156.00)
  • Have 100 Peeps on an Island without ever building a School there. Limited Peeps mode must be off

    6.90% (241.00)
  • Finish the game without ever building a cleaner

    5.86% (284.00)
  • Colonise Islands of all 6 biomes and have a population of at least 50 Peeps on each of them

    4.83% (345.00)
  • 50+ Peeps, all happy, on an inner or outer Planet Island, fed with only potatoes and water

    6.55% (254.00)
  • Maintain a full Shield for 1 in-game hour around a Planet with only Wind and Solar generators

    6.21% (268.00)
  • Lose 20+ buildings in one whale attack

    12.76% (131.00)
  • Destroy a Ship by creating crystal Island under it

    5.86% (284.00)
  • Have 100+ Peeps in a game, all of them Very Sad

    5.17% (322.00)
  • Have a Planet with every Island tile polluted (except tiny islands), with default pollution settings

    4.48% (372.00)
  • Complete the Apocalypse Soon scenario

    5.17% (322.00)
  • Complete the Seed Hunter scenario

    4.83% (345.00)
  • Complete the Hut-Owners Association scenario

    4.48% (372.00)
  • Complete the Getting Busy scenario

    4.14% (402.00)
  • Create 500 Peeps across all games

    18.97% (88.00)
  • Create 5000 Peeps across all games

    5.17% (322.00)
  • Build 100 Huts across all games

    23.45% (71.00)
  • Build 1000 Huts across all games

    5.17% (322.00)
  • Colonise 20 Islands across all games

    11.38% (146.00)
  • Colonise 100 Islands across all games

    4.14% (402.00)
  • Survive 20 Whale Attacks across all games

    12.07% (138.00)
  • Survive 100 Whale Attacks across all games

    4.48% (372.00)
  • Use a Transmogrifier 30 times across all games

    18.28% (91.00)
  • Use a Transmogrifier 200 times across all games

    6.21% (268.00)
  • Make 100 Gadgets across all games

    15.52% (107.00)
  • Make 1000 Gadgets across all games

    7.59% (220.00)
  • Build 10 Spaceships across all games

    10.34% (161.00)
  • Build 20 Ships across all games

    17.24% (97.00)
  • Build 100 Spaceships across all games

    3.79% (440.00)
  • Build 200 Ships across all games

    5.17% (322.00)
  • Demolish 100 forests across all games

    35.52% (47.00)
  • Demolish 1000 forests across all games

    10.34% (161.00)