• 1,583,934 Trophies Earned
  • 66,772 Players Tracked
  • 46 Total Trophies
  • 4,404 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 11,105 Platinum Club
  • 11,100 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collected all trophies!

    16.65% (226.00)
  • Played as Aiden for the first time.

    100.00% (38.00)
  • Stopped the experiment voluntarily.

    73.72% (51.00)
  • Did 3 mischievous things with Jodie and Aiden.

    42.81% (88.00)
  • Vanquished the entities with Aiden.

    80.75% (46.00)
  • Forgave Jodie's father.

    45.21% (83.00)
  • Choked Philip with Aiden.

    63.79% (59.00)
  • Taught 3 or more of the teens a lesson, or started the house fire, with Aiden.

    69.21% (54.00)
  • Did not impress or scare the teens with Aiden.

    39.42% (95.00)
  • Protected Jodie from her attackers.

    65.60% (57.00)
  • Successfully shut down the condenser portal.

    79.21% (47.00)
  • Channeled all dead bodies in the condenser compound.

    42.76% (88.00)
  • Completed most of the physical training successfully.

    89.46% (42.00)
  • Won every fight whilst taking less than 5 hits.

    87.53% (43.00)
  • Completed all stealth training without being spotted.

    66.42% (57.00)
  • Shut down the monitor and finished the mission using only Aiden.

    63.51% (59.00)
  • Finished the mission using only the Sheik.

    30.22% (124.00)
  • Cooked a meal, cleaned the apartment, took a shower, wore the elegant dress and put on some music.

    30.69% (122.00)
  • Ordered a pizza, watched some TV and wore something casual.

    24.37% (154.00)
  • Slept with Ryan.

    29.06% (129.00)
  • Made it to the cathedral without being spotted.

    47.41% (79.00)
  • Escaped the train without being arrested.

    86.26% (44.00)
  • Destroyed the gas station, the church, the gun store and the helicopter.

    21.24% (177.00)
  • Got arrested three times and escaped each time.

    24.13% (156.00)
  • Earned enough money to have some chocolate during dinner.

    77.67% (48.00)
  • Deactivated the supermarket's camera.

    63.98% (59.00)
  • Looked after Tuesday's baby, healed Jimmy and channeled Stan.

    45.53% (82.00)
  • Successfully performed the entire ritual.

    73.84% (51.00)
  • Ran from the sandstorm and took less than 3 hits.

    56.54% (66.00)
  • Didn't speak during the interrogation.

    44.79% (84.00)
  • Told the truth during the interrogation.

    51.34% (73.00)
  • Went to the containment shield with the General.

    52.43% (72.00)
  • Entered the Infraworld.

    30.57% (123.00)
  • Stayed in reality.

    63.88% (59.00)
  • Helped Dawkins see the truth.

    60.89% (62.00)
  • Deactivated the Black Sun.

    68.70% (55.00)
  • Launched a scene in Duo mode.

    40.48% (93.00)
  • One possible reality has been uncovered...

    68.83% (55.00)
  • Took every opportunity to be evil as Aiden.

    18.10% (207.00)
  • Started at least one romance.

    74.20% (51.00)
  • Was victorious in every battle with the evil entities.

    64.84% (58.00)
  • Let every possible character die and chose to go with them to the Infraworld.

    17.82% (211.00)
  • Found all the bonuses.

    18.19% (206.00)
  • Finished the game in Duo mode.

    20.76% (181.00)
  • Saw all endings.

    16.98% (221.00)
  • Saved every character that could be saved.

    22.23% (169.00)