• 1,784,842 Trophies Earned
  • 77,143 Players Tracked
  • 81 Total Trophies
  • 11,500 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,935 Points
  • 8,921 Platinum Club
  • 3,266 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Acquire all other trophies

    11.57% (191.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, completed Lighthouse.

    99.17% (22.00)
  • Reached Monument Island.

    74.56% (30.00)
  • Retrieved Shock Jockey.

    64.31% (34.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, boarded The First Lady.

    61.48% (36.00)
  • Assisted the gunsmith.

    54.94% (40.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, completed the Factory.

    53.80% (41.00)
  • Completed Emporia.

    49.77% (44.00)
  • Completed Comstock House.

    49.15% (45.00)
  • Completed The Hand of the Prophet.

    47.51% (47.00)
  • Completed the Main Campaign on Easy difficulty or above.

    47.47% (47.00)
  • Completed the Main Campaign on Normal difficulty or above.

    39.49% (56.00)
  • Completed the Main Campaign on Hard difficulty or above.

    17.39% (127.00)
  • Completed the Main Campaign on 1999 Mode.

    12.11% (182.00)
  • Unlocked 1999 Mode.

    49.00% (45.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies with a Sky-Hook Execution.

    27.49% (80.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies with a Sky-Line Strike.

    31.71% (70.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 25 enemies with the Broadsider Pistol.

    73.21% (30.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 150 enemies with the Founder Triple R Machine Gun or Vox Repeater.

    35.13% (63.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 50 enemies with the Founder China Broom Shotgun or Vox Heater.

    46.70% (47.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 100 enemies with the Founder Huntsman Carbine or Vox Burstgun.

    36.12% (61.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 25 enemies with the Paddywhacker Hand Cannon.

    38.55% (57.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 30 enemies with the Bird's Eye Sniper Rifle.

    42.93% (51.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 30 enemies with the Founder Pig Volley Gun or Vox Hail Fire.

    29.70% (74.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies with the Barnstormer RPG.

    35.59% (62.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 30 enemies with the Peppermill Crank Gun.

    28.06% (79.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, used all 8 Vigors against enemies.

    39.17% (56.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 75 enemies either with a Vigor or while the enemy is under the effects of a Vigor.

    55.25% (40.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, lured 3 enemies into a single Vigor trap 5 times.

    29.34% (75.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, performed all 8 of the Vigor combinations.

    16.49% (134.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies using Possessed machines.

    17.52% (126.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, opened 30 Tears.

    53.20% (42.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies using allies brought in through a Tear.

    21.01% (105.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 30 enemies while riding a Sky-Line.

    16.66% (133.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 5 enemies with a headshot while riding a Sky-Line.

    19.63% (113.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 10 enemies by utilizing environmental hazards.

    28.49% (78.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies by knocking them off Columbia.

    19.39% (114.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 5 enemies while they are falling.

    24.07% (92.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 5 enemies while you are drunk.

    14.53% (152.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed 20 "Heavy Hitter" enemies.

    55.35% (40.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, killed a Handyman by only shooting his heart.

    17.51% (126.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, equipped a piece of Gear in all four slots.

    83.68% (26.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, fully upgraded one weapon and one Vigor.

    40.74% (54.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, upgraded one attribute (Health, Shield, or Salts) to its maximum level.

    30.85% (72.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, collected every Infusion upgrade in a single game.

    23.85% (93.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, used all telescopes and Kinetoscopes in the game.

    13.47% (164.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, used Elizabeth to pick 30 locks.

    47.27% (47.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, collected every Voxophone.

    13.71% (161.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, spent $10,000 at the vending machines of Columbia.

    38.74% (57.00)
  • In the Main Campaign, looted 200 containers.

    51.77% (43.00)
  • Completed the Main Campaign in 1999 Mode without purchasing anything from a Dollar Bill machine.

    11.98% (184.00)

Clash in the Clouds DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Defeated all waves in The OPS Zeal.

    7.42% (298.00)
  • Defeated all waves in Duke and Dimwit Theater.

    6.13% (361.00)
  • Defeated all waves in Raven's Dome.

    5.87% (376.00)
  • Defeated all waves in Emporia Arcade.

    5.43% (407.00)
  • In CitC, unlocked all Gallery items.

    5.77% (383.00)
  • In CitC, got a kill with each weapon and vigor (except Bucking Bronco).

    5.07% (436.00)
  • In CitC, knock an enemy around the city with Undertow, then knock him off the edge of the city.

    5.57% (397.00)
  • In CitC, used all eight different vigor combos to deliver the killing blow on an enemy.

    4.68% (472.00)
  • In CitC, killed an enemy with splash damage by shooting a rocket out of the air.

    6.07% (364.00)
  • In CitC, completed all Blue Ribbon Challenges.

    4.31% (513.00)

Burial at Sea - Episode 1 DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Took a Bathysphere ride in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.

    32.26% (69.00)
  • Completed Burial at Sea - Episode 1.

    26.32% (84.00)
  • Collected all Audio Diaries in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.

    8.57% (258.00)
  • Purchased any two upgrades for Old Man Winter or Radar Range in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.

    12.84% (172.00)
  • Destroyed ten Turrets in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.

    8.99% (246.00)
  • Made 5 enemies explode with the Radar Range in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.

    15.04% (147.00)
  • Damaged fifteen foes with an exploding enemy, using the Radar Range in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.

    8.89% (249.00)
  • Shattered 5 enemies who had been frozen with Old Man Winter in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.

    16.87% (131.00)
  • Froze 2 enemies with the same Old Man Winter trap in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.

    13.58% (163.00)
  • Rode the tram in Burial at Sea - Episode 1.

    27.89% (79.00)

Burial at Sea - Episode 2 DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Repaired the machine in Suchong's lab in Burial at Sea - Episode 2.

    21.96% (101.00)
  • Delivered the hair sample in Burial at Sea - Episode 2.

    21.37% (103.00)
  • Completed Burial at Sea - Episode 2.

    21.00% (105.00)
  • Collected all Audio Diaries and Voxophones in Burial at Sea - Episode 2.

    7.14% (310.00)
  • Completed Burial at Sea - Episode 2 in 1998 mode.

    5.93% (373.00)
  • Gained five noisemakers through lockpicking.

    16.82% (131.00)
  • Knocked out two or more enemies using the same Gas Bolt.

    21.12% (105.00)
  • Used Ironsides to collect 20 rounds of ammo or more in Burial at Sea - Episode 2.

    7.73% (286.00)
  • On three occasions, knocked out an enemy after silently dropping off a Freight Hook.

    11.20% (197.00)
  • While invisible, used Peeping Tom to knock out 15 enemies with a melee attack.

    11.29% (196.00)