• 62,975 Trophies Earned
  • 8,421 Players Tracked
  • 20 Total Trophies
  • 10,673 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,305 Points
  • 408 Platinum Club
  • 408 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You are a Master.

    4.85% (1845.00)
  • A small step forward among many to come. Achieved Combat Level 10

    98.41% (5.00)
  • Getting the hang of it. Achieved Combat level 20.

    62.99% (142.00)
  • Strike with certainty. Achieved Combat level 30.

    48.17% (186.00)
  • Fight how you want. Achieved Combat level 40.

    41.93% (213.00)
  • A huge step up. Achieved Combat level 50.

    36.42% (246.00)
  • Helping others is more fun than I thought! Achieved 10 contribution points.

    68.52% (131.00)
  • Exhausted I may be, all else fails to matter amidst the joy of others. Achieved 50 contribution points.

    47.64% (188.00)
  • All the residents in the territory recognize you and smile. Achieved 150 contribution points.

    19.69% (454.00)
  • You may have a talent for exploring. Discovered 10 nodes

    86.97% (5.00)
  • That steep mountain is to easy to climb. Discovered 30 nodes.

    63.96% (140.00)
  • You should be selling self-made maps for a living. Discovered 50 nodes.

    49.92% (179.00)
  • Your butt might hurt. Achieved Training Level 11.

    25.73% (348.00)
  • Time to commune with your horse. Achieved Training Level 31.

    6.59% (1358.00)
  • Roasting, drying, and throwing... Oh wait, I didn`t throw anything. Achieved Processing Level 11.

    15.88% (563.00)
  • Need anything? There's nothing I can't make! Achieved Processing Level 41.

    6.85% (1306.00)
  • Have you caught a big fish? Achieved Fishing Level 21.

    10.20% (877.00)
  • One with the rod. Achieved Fishing Level 51.

    5.28% (1694.00)
  • Ah, my arms... Achieved Gathering Level 10.

    29.57% (303.00)
  • The world is my farm. Achieved Gathering Level 31.

    18.26% (490.00)