• 99,961 Trophies Earned
  • 8,117 Players Tracked
  • 51 Total Trophies
  • 6,594 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 799 Platinum Club
  • 793 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Mastered BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Extend.

    9.88% (270.00)
  • [Tutorial] Finished the stylish and beginner lessons in Tutorial Mode.

    37.29% (72.00)
  • [Training] Dealt a total of 100,000 Damage.

    65.48% (41.00)
  • [Challenge] Completed 50% of all challenges.

    11.85% (225.00)
  • [Challenge] Completed 100% of one character's challenges.

    11.85% (225.00)
  • [Story] Completed the main story.

    30.50% (87.00)
  • [Story] Completed the EXTEND story.

    29.33% (91.00)
  • [Story] Completed the Remix Heart story.

    29.86% (89.00)
  • [Story] Completed the additional gag reels.

    26.17% (102.00)
  • [Arcade] Completed Arcade Mode.

    66.26% (40.00)
  • [Abyss] Completed up to Stage 6.

    18.52% (144.00)
  • [Score Attack] Completed 1 course.

    20.12% (133.00)
  • [Unlimited Mars] Fought in 10 matches.

    21.77% (123.00)
  • [Highlander Assault] Completed the Highlander Assault Mode.

    17.28% (154.00)
  • [Replay Theater] Watched a replay.

    29.62% (90.00)
  • [Gallery] Unlocked all of the Unlimited characters.

    22.85% (117.00)
  • [Gallery] Spent P$ 100,000 in Gallery Mode.

    28.27% (94.00)
  • [Gallery] Unlocked the "Guest Illustrator" category.

    32.60% (82.00)
  • [Network] Leveled up to level 11.

    19.33% (138.00)
  • [Network] Made some changes to your room.

    41.10% (65.00)
  • [Network] A player joined your room.

    32.78% (81.00)
  • [Network] Used a default text string in the lobby.

    33.87% (79.00)
  • [Network] Collected a set quantity of items in the Player Match room.

    16.32% (163.00)
  • Regenerate a total of 100,000 HP with Ragna.

    21.28% (125.00)
  • Land all Jin's "D" Special Attacks in a single match.

    16.92% (158.00)
  • Defeat Nu, Mu, and Lambda using Noel.

    25.29% (105.00)
  • Stayed airborne for a total of 100 seconds using Rachel.

    29.06% (92.00)
  • As Taokaka, hit every character with Cat Spirit: Encore!

    14.41% (185.00)
  • As Tager, successfully land a throw on an opponent who is blocking or taking damage.

    27.29% (98.00)
  • Land a counter hit using Litchi's Thirteen Orphans.

    20.22% (132.00)
  • As Arakune, execute a 100 hit combo.

    16.36% (163.00)
  • As Bang, activate Overdrive with less than 35% HP, and Overdrive Finish your opponent.

    19.69% (135.00)
  • Finish an opponent using Carl's Arpeggio of Oblivion.

    17.26% (155.00)
  • As Hakumen, deal 10,000 damage in a single combo.

    13.53% (197.00)
  • As Nu, win a match by using nothing but projectile attacks.

    25.66% (104.00)
  • Land all of Tsubaki's "D" Special Attacks in a single combo.

    11.33% (235.00)
  • As Hazama, defeat an opponent with an Overdrive Finish.

    21.89% (122.00)
  • Finish the opponent with a projectile from Mu's Steins Gunner.

    25.00% (107.00)
  • As Makoto, land an attack with maximum Impact Gauge.

    34.72% (77.00)
  • Defeat the opponent using only wolf-form attacks.

    20.82% (128.00)
  • Defeat the same opponent once with Luna's and once with Sena's voice.

    27.23% (98.00)
  • Land all of Relius's Id Lauger follow-ups in a single combo.

    11.88% (225.00)
  • Finish an opponent while Izayoi is in Slaver Trans-AM Mode.

    18.66% (143.00)
  • Hit every character with Amane's Jakutoku Meika: Gouha Houyou.

    13.48% (198.00)
  • Locked onto an enemy for over 10 seconds during a single round as Bullet.

    20.01% (133.00)
  • Absorbed 10 projectiles during a single round using Azrael's Growler Field.

    19.15% (139.00)
  • Used all of the Black Gale's follow-up attacks during a single round with Kagura.

    16.61% (161.00)
  • As Terumi, finished an opponent during the stomp phase of Serpent's Laceration.

    22.31% (120.00)
  • Kept the opponent airborne for 20 seconds during a single round as Kokonoe.

    19.47% (137.00)
  • Heard all of the voice patterns of Celica's Drive Attack during a single round.

    23.76% (112.00)
  • Defeated Ragna using Lambda.

    25.32% (105.00)