• 111,821 Achievements Earned
  • 8,825 Players Tracked
  • 21 Total Achievements
  • 2,510 Obtainable EXP
  • 2,459 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Peasants have joined you.

    99.60% (4.00)
  • Page on Facebook or Twitter visited.

    46.46% (169.00)
  • You defeated the army without losing a single warrior.

    97.08% (4.00)
  • Fromm defeated.

    82.95% (5.00)
  • Arakin defeated.

    58.24% (135.00)
  • Sigurd defeated.

    50.04% (157.00)
  • Game completed without using the easy level of difficulty.

    42.37% (185.00)
  • Game completed using only the hard level of difficulty.

    30.19% (260.00)
  • Treasure chest collected.

    82.10% (5.00)
  • Three treasure chests collected.

    46.95% (167.00)
  • Equipment item on.

    86.13% (4.00)
  • All four equipment items on.

    57.14% (137.00)
  • The best equipment of all four types on.

    45.21% (173.00)
  • Warrior ability learned.

    94.49% (4.00)
  • Two warrior abilities learned.

    83.24% (4.00)
  • All warrior abilities learned.

    49.22% (159.00)
  • Acceleration spell used 10 times.

    41.65% (188.00)
  • 1000 damage inflicted to the enemies with Fire Arrow.

    51.72% (152.00)
  • Defense spell used 10 times.

    39.92% (196.00)
  • 100 units encouraged.

    31.81% (247.00)
  • Rain of Fire spell learned.

    50.58% (155.00)