• 78,550 Trophies Earned
  • 1,991 Players Tracked
  • 59 Total Trophies
  • 1,535 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 890 Platinum Club
  • 890 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all the Trophies.

    44.70% (37.00)
  • Win a run in Danger 0.

    82.32% (20.00)
  • Win a run in Danger 1.

    69.11% (24.00)
  • Win a run in Danger 2.

    64.14% (26.00)
  • Win a run in Danger 3.

    59.72% (27.00)
  • Win a run in Danger 4.

    54.95% (30.00)
  • Win a run in Danger 5.

    51.98% (32.00)
  • Kill 300 enemies.

    100.00% (16.00)
  • Kill 2000 enemies.

    97.74% (17.00)
  • Kill 5000 enemies.

    93.22% (18.00)
  • Kill 10000 enemies.

    87.44% (19.00)
  • Kill 20000 enemies.

    80.96% (20.00)
  • Collect 300 materials.

    100.00% (16.00)
  • Collect 2000 materials.

    95.63% (17.00)
  • Collect 5000 materials.

    89.35% (18.00)
  • Collect 10000 materials.

    84.13% (20.00)
  • Collect 20000 materials.

    76.04% (22.00)
  • Die for the first time.

    98.64% (17.00)
  • Reach -5 HP Regeneration.

    60.37% (27.00)
  • Reach +200 Harvesting.

    61.02% (27.00)
  • Reach +60% Dodge.

    66.00% (25.00)
  • Reach +50% Speed.

    59.02% (28.00)
  • Hold 3000 materials.

    54.34% (30.00)
  • Get 5 turrets on the map simultaneously.

    82.42% (20.00)
  • Kill 50 trees.

    94.27% (17.00)
  • Heal 200 HP in one wave.

    70.52% (23.00)
  • Reach +300 Range.

    61.88% (27.00)
  • Kill 15 enemies with a single explosion.

    73.28% (22.00)
  • Recycle 12 weapons during a run.

    55.85% (29.00)
  • Reach -20% Speed.

    58.26% (28.00)
  • Pick up 20 consumables during a run.

    99.60% (16.00)
  • Reach 10 Ranged Damage and get 3 structures at the same time.

    75.94% (22.00)
  • Kill a boss or an elite in less than 15 seconds.

    59.77% (27.00)
  • Reach +100 Max HP.

    71.47% (23.00)
  • Get 2 Bait during a run.

    67.70% (24.00)
  • Finish a wave with 10 or more living trees.

    53.94% (30.00)
  • Get 3 trier IV weapons at once.

    81.17% (20.00)
  • Finish a wave with 1 HP.

    65.80% (25.00)
  • Get 10 different tier 1 items during a run

    94.68% (17.00)
  • Win a run with Well-Rounded.

    67.86% (24.00)
  • Win a run with Crazy.

    58.21% (28.00)
  • Win a run with Ranger.

    60.17% (27.00)
  • Win a run with Mage.

    57.06% (29.00)
  • Win a run with Multitasker.

    55.80% (29.00)
  • Win a run with Pacifist.

    50.98% (32.00)
  • Win a run with Ghost.

    53.24% (31.00)
  • Win a run with Speedy.

    48.82% (34.00)
  • Win a run with Explorer.

    51.93% (32.00)
  • Win a run with Doctor.

    52.24% (31.00)
  • Win a run with Arms Dealer.

    47.11% (35.00)
  • Win a run with Cyborg.

    51.43% (32.00)
  • Win a run with Glutton.

    48.37% (34.00)
  • Win a run with Lich.

    51.03% (32.00)
  • Win a run with Cryptid.

    48.22% (34.00)
  • Win a run with Golem.

    48.52% (34.00)
  • Win a run with King.

    51.38% (32.00)
  • Win a run with Renegade.

    50.23% (33.00)
  • Win a run with Knight.

    48.12% (34.00)
  • Win a run with Demon.

    46.91% (35.00)