• 462,778 Trophies Earned
  • 32,803 Players Tracked
  • 31 Total Trophies
  • 5,694 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,455 Points
  • 13,064 Platinum Club
  • 3,790 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain all of the trophies.

    39.83% (171.00)
  • Complete the main story of Bugsnax.

    45.22% (151.00)
  • Catch 100 unique species of Bugsnax.

    40.60% (168.00)
  • Complete all of the side quests.

    41.78% (163.00)
  • Fully transform every Grumpus.

    40.32% (169.00)
  • Defeat all of the Legendary Bugsnax.

    42.31% (161.00)
  • All of the Grumpuses survive.

    43.53% (157.00)
  • Watch all of Lizbert's video diaries.

    43.54% (157.00)
  • Interview every Grumpus.

    46.37% (147.00)
  • Donate the max amount of Bugsnax to Gramble's ranch.

    46.05% (148.00)
  • Return every Grumpus to Snaxburg.

    45.96% (149.00)
  • Catch 50 unique species of Bugsnax.

    47.06% (145.00)
  • Fully transform a Grumpus.

    49.95% (137.00)
  • Scan the Snaxsquatch

    43.22% (158.00)
  • Transform a Grumpus with Scoopy, Banopper, and Cheery.

    40.37% (169.00)
  • Stun a Bugsnak with the Trip Shot attached to your Buggy Ball

    41.26% (165.00)
  • Empty one biome of all its Snakpods.

    41.37% (165.00)
  • Catch your first Bugsnak.

    100.00% (68.00)
  • Transform a Grumpus with Bunger, Fryder, and Sodie.

    44.71% (153.00)
  • Stun a flying Bugsnak by launching another Bugsnak at it.

    46.72% (146.00)
  • Transform Gramble.

    43.00% (159.00)
  • Solve the secret of the lava cave, or the secret of the dunes.

    43.33% (158.00)
  • Catch more than one Bugsnak in your Snak Trap at once.

    56.02% (122.00)
  • Scan a Grumpus after saucing them with cheese.

    41.79% (163.00)
  • Steal Beffica's diary from her cave.

    52.54% (130.00)
  • Catch 25 unique species of Bugsnax.

    52.37% (130.00)
  • Find your way to Snaxburg.

    77.57% (88.00)
  • Check behind the waterfall for secrets.

    75.47% (90.00)

The Isle of Bigsnax DLC trophies

Earned Date