• 89,836 Trophies Earned
  • 4,050 Players Tracked
  • 49 Total Trophies
  • 6,093 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 446 Platinum Club
  • 444 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Blessed one who has achieved all trophies!

    11.01% (361.00)
  • You have destroyed Iris' Weylgandr! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time)

    99.95% (40.00)
  • You have destroyed Eleanor's Kychsrhea! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time)

    89.16% (45.00)
  • You have destroyed Milia's Gespeneris! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time)

    82.20% (48.00)
  • You have destroyed Nina's Schwarzbeleth! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time)

    58.79% (68.00)
  • You have destroyed Islay's Sivilung! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time)

    78.27% (51.00)
  • You have destroyed Graham's Wildduran! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time)

    76.79% (52.00)
  • You have destroyed Beelzebub's Beelzetolv! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time)

    33.01% (121.00)
  • You have blocked the march of Cecilia's troop! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time)

    24.17% (165.00)
  • You have saved everyone in Cecilia's convoy ship! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time)

    27.58% (144.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Iris' shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    85.51% (47.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Eleanor's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    64.49% (62.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Milia's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    51.41% (77.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Nina's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    46.81% (85.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Islay's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    52.37% (76.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Graham's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    54.49% (73.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Beezlebub's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    31.26% (127.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Cecilia's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    52.07% (76.00)
  • You have cleared the game as Alex! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF)

    50.84% (78.00)
  • You have cleared the game as Kei! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF)

    39.38% (101.00)
  • You have cleared the game as Maria! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF)

    41.36% (96.00)
  • You have cleared the game as Sophia! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF)

    43.83% (91.00)
  • You have cleared the game as Lilith! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF)

    43.85% (91.00)
  • You have cleared the game as Caladrius! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF)

    39.63% (100.00)
  • You have cleared the game as Noah! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF)

    39.65% (100.00)
  • You have cleared the game as Layis! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF)

    39.56% (101.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Alex's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    65.83% (60.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Kei's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    44.79% (89.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Maria's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    48.81% (82.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Sophia's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    53.11% (75.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Lilith's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    50.81% (78.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Caladrius's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    46.74% (85.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Noah's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    45.68% (87.00)
  • You have witnessed all of Layis' shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    46.25% (86.00)
  • You have acquired a 1UP item! (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    78.20% (51.00)
  • You have increased your score for more bombs! (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    65.43% (61.00)
  • Your score has reached 10,000,000 points! (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    48.57% (82.00)
  • Your score has reached 30,000,000 points! (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    30.59% (130.00)
  • Your score has reached 80,000,000 points! (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    18.64% (213.00)
  • You have cleared Boss Rush Mode! (Start from Level 1, Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF)

    17.88% (223.00)
  • You have unlocked all gallery images!

    13.23% (301.00)
  • You have finished the battle between Ira and Alex in all levels with time overs. (Story mode, Solo Play)

    20.10% (198.00)
  • You have acquired 1000 Eter Chips! (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    11.43% (348.00)
  • You have used the bombs 50 times!

    54.79% (73.00)
  • You have cleared all levels without losing a single life! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF)

    11.78% (338.00)
  • You have acquired all 1UP chips with one play! (Start from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play)

    13.28% (300.00)
  • You have used all types and levels of element shots! (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    13.28% (300.00)
  • You have discovered and destroyed all Sol Citadels! (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    14.64% (272.00)
  • Your ship has been destroyed more than an average of 100 times! (Story Mode, Solo Play)

    46.84% (85.00)