• 174,927 Trophies Earned
  • 39,148 Players Tracked
  • 20 Total Trophies
  • 32,406 Obtainable EXP
  • 300 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 256 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Play a game.

    72.85% (56.00)
  • Get a Game Over screen.

    49.03% (83.00)
  • Insert nine or more coins in one play session.

    51.01% (79.00)
  • Play any of the games a total of 100 times.

    2.43% (1668.00)
  • Play any of the games a total of 1000 times.

    1.09% (3720.00)
  • Play for at least 10 hours.

    2.46% (1648.00)
  • Play for at least 100 hours.

    0.90% (4505.00)
  • Reach Class 5: Experimenter.

    3.52% (1152.00)
  • Reach Class 10: Jurist.

    1.16% (3495.00)
  • Reach Class 15: Operator.

    0.85% (4770.00)
  • Reach Class 20: CapcoMaster.

    0.72% (5631.00)
  • Use the Rewind feature.

    80.09% (51.00)
  • Use the Cycle Speed (Up/Down) or Max./Min. Speed (Hold) feature.

    70.38% (58.00)
  • Clear a game.

    12.31% (329.00)
  • Clear a game on the highest difficulty setting.

    3.53% (1149.00)
  • Play a game that has a bonus campaign in progress.

    66.27% (61.00)
  • In one play session, gain 10,000 CASPO while playing Score Challenge or Timed Challenge mode.

    4.49% (903.00)
  • In one play session, gain 25,000 CASPO while playing Score Challenge or Timed Challenge mode.

    3.11% (1304.00)
  • In one play session, gain 50,000 CASPO while playing Score Challenge or Timed Challenge mode.

    2.67% (1518.00)
  • Play a game in Score Challenge or Timed Challenge mode.

    17.95% (226.00)