• 147,470 Trophies Earned
  • 28,812 Players Tracked
  • 13 Total Trophies
  • 9,617 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 1,171 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all 4 princesses' kisses in a multiplayer game.

    31.27% (472.00)
  • Complete the game using any character.

    58.00% (254.00)
  • Defeat any boss by playing one of his own minions.

    39.65% (372.00)
  • Navigate the Abandoned Mill without hitting any obstacles.

    56.02% (263.00)
  • Complete the Home Castle through the Barbarian Boss areas without attacking any foes.

    26.90% (549.00)
  • Using a catapult, fling a knight with maximum power.

    69.01% (214.00)
  • Collect all the animal orbs.

    12.88% (1146.00)
  • Win 40 Arena Ranked Matches.

    6.19% (2384.00)
  • Complete Insane mode and become the ultimate Castle Crasher.

    5.70% (2589.00)
  • Defeat any boss without using any magic.

    93.57% (12.00)
  • Find and dig up 10 buried items.

    57.52% (257.00)
  • In a 4 player game, resuscitate each of your fallen comrades at least once.

    22.71% (650.00)
  • Reach 20 hits in a single Volleyball rally.

    32.41% (455.00)