• 34,585 Achievements Earned
  • 7,982 Players Tracked
  • 21 Total Achievements
  • 16,061 Obtainable EXP
  • 70 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Reach level 2.

    61.66% (86.00)
  • Reach level 5.

    28.71% (185.00)
  • Reach level 10.

    11.79% (450.00)
  • Reach level 20.

    5.04% (1052.00)
  • Add your first friend.

    66.80% (79.00)
  • Change your looks with the avatar editor.

    69.26% (77.00)
  • Reach karma level 4.

    26.27% (202.00)
  • Win a game, where you have both the Longest Road as well as the Largest Army.

    25.38% (209.00)
  • Use your first ticket.

    28.06% (189.00)
  • Win 5 games with the Seafarers expansion.

    3.19% (1662.00)
  • Uncover 10 fog tiles in a game of Seafarer.

    4.45% (1192.00)
  • Move the pirate 5 times in a game of Seafarer.

    2.81% (1887.00)
  • Win 5 games with the Cities&Knights expansion.

    3.86% (1374.00)
  • Build 3 city walls in a game of Cities&Knights.

    5.40% (982.00)
  • Play the progress card 'Wedding' 10 times in your games.

    2.49% (2130.00)
  • Finish the introductory game of 'The Duel'.

    7.34% (722.00)
  • Build a road that is compromised of at least 12 sections (including ships).

    30.26% (175.00)
  • Win a game without building a city.

    12.44% (426.00)
  • Finish the tutorial of the base game.

    29.68% (179.00)
  • Colonize all islands in the Seafarer scenario "The four islands".

    2.88% (1841.00)
  • Create a guild or join one.

    5.51% (962.00)