• 123,504 Trophies Earned
  • 11,997 Players Tracked
  • 39 Total Trophies
  • 12,088 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 476 Platinum Club
  • 475 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other Trophies

    3.98% (908.00)
  • Pin a piece against your opponent's King

    70.80% (51.00)
  • Stack two Rooks one behind another in the same file with the Queen at the rear

    8.24% (439.00)
  • Deliver checkmate by a Rook or Queen along a back rank, with the King's escape blocked by friendly pieces

    7.37% (490.00)
  • Have two pawns of the same colour on the same file

    81.98% (44.00)
  • Castle queenside

    34.13% (106.00)
  • O-O

    Castle kingside

    46.17% (78.00)
  • Put an opponent in check

    80.41% (45.00)
  • Win a game

    53.33% (68.00)
  • Make a capture or exchange

    96.93% (37.00)
  • Advance a pawn to the eighth rank

    52.30% (69.00)
  • Promote a pawn to a Rook, Bishop, or Knight instead of a Queen

    20.16% (179.00)
  • Perform an en passant capture

    26.93% (134.00)
  • Deliver a check by two pieces at the same time

    21.78% (166.00)
  • Complete all the tutorials

    18.82% (192.00)
  • Capture 100 pieces

    19.45% (186.00)
  • Deliver checkmate where the King is blocked on both sides by his own Rooks

    5.17% (699.00)
  • Win a game in three moves

    6.05% (597.00)
  • Win a game in four moves

    6.31% (573.00)
  • Place a White Knight on e6

    30.62% (118.00)
  • Develop a White King Bishop to b5

    41.83% (86.00)
  • Win a tournament

    5.97% (605.00)
  • Complete 50% of the chess challenges

    7.19% (503.00)
  • Elo

    Beat an opponent with an Elo rating higher than yours

    32.19% (112.00)
  • Create a random online game

    35.25% (103.00)
  • Issue an online challenge to a friend

    24.23% (149.00)
  • Play a game using the Fischer timer

    16.11% (224.00)
  • Sacrifice the Queen then go on to win the game

    36.10% (100.00)
  • Using a Knight simultaneously attack the enemy King and Queen

    19.45% (186.00)
  • Beat an opponent with an Elo rating more than 75 higher than yours

    23.26% (155.00)
  • Win 5 tournaments

    4.76% (759.00)
  • Maneuver a pair of Rooks onto your opponent’s second rank

    11.46% (315.00)
  • Draw a game by stalemate

    32.70% (111.00)
  • Deliver checkmate by two crisscrossing Bishops, with the King's escape blocked by friendly pieces

    4.84% (747.00)
  • Win a 32 player tournament

    4.60% (786.00)
  • Beat an opponent with an Elo rating more than 150 higher than yours

    17.99% (201.00)
  • Beat the computer on Grandmaster difficulty

    10.19% (355.00)
  • Complete all the chess challenges

    5.83% (620.00)
  • Win 20 tournaments

    4.56% (792.00)