• 18,082 Trophies Earned
  • 969 Players Tracked
  • 120 Total Trophies
  • 23,991 Obtainable EXP
  • 3,270 Points
  • 77 Platinum Club
  • 9 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Acquire all the other Trophies

    7.95% (136.00)
  • Have a population of 40 in your city

    98.76% (11.00)
  • Purchase a new map tile for the first time

    74.61% (15.00)
  • Have a look at all the different info-view panels

    53.97% (20.00)
  • Use the district tool to draw 3 districts

    60.06% (18.00)
  • Apply a policy to a district you created

    33.95% (32.00)
  • Unlock all city services

    79.77% (14.00)
  • Unlock Monuments

    34.47% (31.00)
  • Build the Medical Center Monument

    14.14% (77.00)
  • Build the Hadron Collider Monument

    15.27% (71.00)
  • Build the Space Elevator Monument

    19.81% (55.00)
  • Build the Eden Project Monument

    14.14% (77.00)
  • Build the Fusion Power Plant Monument

    14.65% (74.00)
  • Unlock every single building in the game

    9.60% (113.00)
  • Have a population of 100,000 in your city

    27.04% (40.00)
  • Have more than 10 districts with unique policies

    14.24% (76.00)
  • Have 20 transport lines

    31.58% (34.00)
  • Have 50 transport lines

    16.10% (67.00)
  • Have a Citizen educated to level 3 from 0

    66.46% (16.00)
  • Have 15% happiness

    53.35% (20.00)
  • Earn 15,000 per week

    69.76% (16.00)
  • Inspect a police building 50 times in a row

    21.78% (50.00)
  • Have more than 95% city happiness for 5 years

    12.07% (90.00)
  • Have the city survive a crime rate of over 40% for 2 years

    12.80% (85.00)
  • Have 5 Fire Stations

    39.63% (27.00)
  • Have 5 Police Headquarters

    32.61% (33.00)
  • Fill five landfill sites

    25.59% (42.00)
  • No water or ground pollution in a city of over 10,000 residents

    16.00% (68.00)
  • Have over 70% of citizens highly educated in a city of over 10,000 people

    18.16% (60.00)
  • Have an area the size of nine map tiles

    29.51% (37.00)
  • Keep the crime rate under 10% for 4 years straight

    62.44% (17.00)
  • Have the industry tax rate over 5% higher than either residential tax rate for one year

    15.27% (71.00)
  • Have both residential tax rates over 5% higher than industry for one year

    15.17% (71.00)
  • Experience 1001 nights in the game

    9.39% (115.00)
  • Have 1000 squares of leisure specialized commercial zone

    29.21% (37.00)
  • Have 1000 squares of beach specialized commercial zone

    31.68% (34.00)
  • Have 15 Prisons in the city

    15.27% (71.00)

Snowfall DLC trophies

Earned Date

Natural Disasters DLC trophies

Earned Date

Mass Transit DLC trophies

Earned Date

Green Cities DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Have all residential zones in your city be specialized Self-Sufficient Housing.

    5.88% (184.00)
  • Have all office zones in your city be specialized IT-Cluster.

    8.15% (133.00)
  • Have all commercial zones in your city be specialized Organic and Local Produce.

    5.68% (191.00)
  • Produce all electricity without using raw materials.

    55.21% (20.00)
  • Build one of each eco-friendly schools: Community School, Institute of Creative Arts and Modern Technology Institute.

    9.80% (111.00)
  • Have no polluting industry in your city, only Office Zone and specialized zones.

    13.31% (81.00)

Parklife DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Have a maximum level park made with Park Tool.

    7.84% (138.00)
  • Have 10 parks made with Park Tool.

    3.51% (309.00)
  • Z00

    Have a park with all zoo buildings built in it.

    4.33% (250.00)
  • Have 5 pedestrian Walking Tour lines.

    3.92% (277.00)
  • Have a Park Maintenance Service and a Zoo, Nature Reserve and Amusement Park in your city.

    4.85% (224.00)
  • Have a park with all Amusement Park buildings built in it.

    5.37% (202.00)
  • Have a park with all Nature Reserve buildings built in it.

    4.13% (263.00)
  • Have 15 Sightseeing Bus lines.

    3.30% (329.00)

Industries DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Level up an Industry Area up to Level 5

    10.32% (105.00)
  • Build 10 Industry Areas

    3.61% (300.00)
  • Build five Offshore Oil Drilling Platforms

    3.41% (318.00)
  • Build all Unique Factories

    4.44% (244.00)
  • Deliver 1 000 000 units of Mail

    9.91% (109.00)
  • Build one of each road Toll Booth buildings

    5.78% (188.00)
  • Build 10 Warehouse buildings

    6.09% (178.00)

Campus DLC trophies

Earned Date

Sunset Harbor DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Farm 5 000 000 units of fish and sea plants.

    5.88% (184.00)
  • Catch 10 000 000 units of fish.

    4.95% (219.00)
  • Build Metro-Intercity Bus Hub, Bus-Intercity Bus Hub, Train-Metro Hub, Metropolitan Airport and Bus-Metro Hub

    3.30% (329.00)
  • Transport 35 000 citizens in trolleybuses.

    4.85% (224.00)
  • Transport 15 000 citizens in passenger helicopters.

    4.33% (250.00)
  • Have 60 tourists visit the Aviation Club during one week.

    4.02% (270.00)
  • Treat 20 000 000 m3 of waste water using the Inland Water Treatment Plants.

    7.74% (140.00)

Airports DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Have an airport area reach level 3.

    2.99% (363.00)
  • Have 10 000 total passengers travel through an airport area.

    3.10% (350.00)
  • Build an airport area with a terminal, a runway and an aircraft stand.

    3.20% (339.00)
  • Build an airport area with an area of 25 000 cells.

    2.89% (375.00)
  • Set the airline ticket price slider to the maximum price.

    2.48% (437.00)

Plazas & Promenades DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Build 10 ice cream stand plazas in one pedestrian area.

    1.75% (620.00)
  • Have 5 garbage service points reach their capacity limit.

    1.24% (874.00)
  • Have one pedestrian area focused on residential, one in commercial, and one in workplace zones.

    1.75% (620.00)

Financial Districts DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Earn $5,000,000 through investments.

    1.55% (700.00)
  • Put all of your money into $1,000,000 of investments, then don't sell any for one month.

    1.96% (553.00)
  • Have a bank building get flooded.

    1.65% (657.00)
  • Transport $2,000,000 using cash transport vans in one week.

    1.86% (583.00)
  • Take a loan in order to make an investment.

    1.75% (620.00)

Hotels & Resorts DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Have a total of 500 weekly guests stay at hotels.

    1.65% (657.00)
  • Organize three hotel events.

    1.44% (753.00)
  • Have the maximum possible number of guests stay at any 5-star hotel.

    1.55% (700.00)