• 2,023 Achievements Earned
  • 342 Players Tracked
  • 20 Total Achievements
  • 11,367 Obtainable EXP
  • 14 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Kill 500 Enemies

    42.98% (192.00)
  • Beat the game on Normal Difficulty

    25.15% (328.00)
  • Leave the bonus level without getting anything.

    38.30% (216.00)
  • Beat the first Level

    100.00% (4.00)
  • Try every character

    38.89% (212.00)
  • Beat the Game on Hard

    6.14% (1344.00)
  • Beat the game without dying once on the save file

    4.68% (1764.00)
  • Bounce on every mushroom in Stage 3

    69.59% (119.00)
  • Reach the front of the mine train in Stage 5

    33.63% (245.00)
  • Destroy every ceiling turret in Stage 7

    28.65% (288.00)
  • Don't destroy any bombers in Stage 10

    14.04% (588.00)
  • Destroy every bomber in Stage 13

    15.20% (543.00)
  • Don't get hit by any mines in Stage 17

    24.27% (340.00)
  • Get through a whole level without getting hurt

    73.98% (112.00)
  • Beat 50 Levels

    9.06% (911.00)
  • Beat a level without killing any enemies

    17.84% (463.00)
  • Die 100 Times

    18.71% (441.00)
  • Don't touch the rising lava in hard mode

    9.36% (882.00)
  • Jump over the first totem pole in Stage 2

    16.67% (495.00)
  • Complete the game on Expert Mode!

    4.39% (1880.00)