• 93 Achievements Earned
  • 17 Players Tracked
  • 21 Total Achievements
  • 9,424 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Win while playing as the British side in any scenario.

    82.35% (7.00)
  • Win while playing as the German side in any scenario.

    29.41% (316.00)
  • Win while playing as the Canadian side in any scenario.

    11.76% (789.00)
  • Rolled 30 burst dice in combat during a single match.

    23.53% (395.00)
  • Rolled 20 deadly die side will rolling in close combat.

    17.65% (526.00)
  • Take control of mine crater previously held by an opponent for 1 victory medal, or 2 victory medal swing.

    5.88% (1579.00)
  • Roll a burst side when in ranged combat but only rolling a single die.

    82.35% (7.00)
  • Break through with a unit for one victory medal while controlling the Canadian side.

    11.76% (789.00)
  • Win a match where your opponent has not won a single victory medal.

    47.06% (197.00)
  • Collect 3 victory medals by playing recon cards in a single match.

    5.88% (1579.00)
  • Lose a unit to machine gun fire from two separate enemy units attacking in crossfire.

    41.18% (225.00)
  • While playing as the British side win a victory medal by occupying an enemy trench.

    58.82% (158.00)
  • Win a scenario, that is not the opening tutorial scenarios, by eliminating enemy units only.

    35.29% (263.00)
  • Use the command card artillery bombard alongside the combat card box barrage.

    23.53% (395.00)
  • Use the tactician combat card to order 4 or more battlefield units.

    23.53% (395.00)
  • Complete first multiplayer match.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Roll 10 deadly die sides while in artillery combat and rolling for hits on the target hex.

    5.88% (1579.00)
  • Add a shell crater to the battlefield either by mortar attack or offboard artillery.

    41.18% (225.00)
  • Achieve victory playing as the British side in all scenarios featuring this side.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Achieve victory playing as the German side in all scenarios featuring this side.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Achieve victory playing as the Canadian side in all scenarios featuring this side.

    0.00% (0.00)