• 73,157 Trophies Earned
  • 6,314 Players Tracked
  • 31 Total Trophies
  • 9,122 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 390 Platinum Club
  • 389 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn All Trophies

    6.18% (841.00)
  • Defeat Luke "Scraps" O'Grady in Career Mode or Free Play

    91.57% (57.00)
  • Defeat Axel "El Tigre" Ramirez in Career Mode or Free Play

    78.89% (66.00)
  • Defeat Duane "Rhino" Reynolds in Career Mode or Free Play

    63.60% (82.00)
  • Defeat Leo "The Lion" Sporino in Career Mode or Free Play

    58.25% (89.00)
  • Defeat Andy "Mad Dog" Pono in Career Mode or Free Play

    56.78% (92.00)
  • Defeat "Pretty" Ricky Conlan in Career Mode or Free Play

    46.50% (112.00)
  • Defeat Bobby "The Operator" Nash in Career Mode or Free Play

    41.81% (124.00)
  • Defeat Luke "Scraps" O'Grady on Champion Difficulty in Career Mode or Free Play

    21.00% (248.00)
  • Defeat Axel "El Tigre" Ramirez on Champion Difficulty in Career Mode or Free Play

    16.96% (307.00)
  • Defeat Duane "Rhino" Reynolds on Champion Difficulty in Career Mode or Free Play

    9.34% (557.00)
  • Defeat Leo "The Lion" Sporino on Champion Difficulty in Career Mode or Free Play

    10.12% (514.00)
  • Defeat Andy "Mad Dog" Pono on Champion Difficulty in Career Mode or Free Play

    8.31% (626.00)
  • Defeat "Pretty" Ricky Conlan on Champion Difficulty in Career Mode or Free Play

    8.33% (624.00)
  • Defeat Bobby "The Operator" Nash on Champion Difficulty in Career Mode or Free Play

    7.87% (661.00)
  • Defeat All Fighters in Career Mode or Free Play

    39.45% (132.00)
  • Defeat All Fighters on Champion Difficulty in Career Mode or Free Play

    7.25% (717.00)
  • Finish Career Mode

    35.87% (145.00)
  • Finish a Fight in PVP

    27.46% (189.00)
  • Finish a Fight in Free Play

    71.84% (72.00)
  • Complete a Training Session on Every Minigame in Career Mode or Free Play

    17.39% (299.00)
  • Dodge 10 Times in a Fight in Career Mode or Free Play

    9.76% (533.00)
  • Get a Max Star Rank on a Montage in Career Mode or Free Play

    34.04% (153.00)
  • Get a Max Star Rank on Every Montage in Career Mode or Free Play

    8.24% (631.00)
  • Win a Fight Without Getting Knocked Down in Career Mode or Free Play

    89.86% (58.00)
  • Spend Less Than 5 Seconds Tired in a Fight and Win in Career Mode or Free Play

    58.08% (90.00)
  • Successfully Complete a Take Down in Career Mode or Free Play

    89.88% (58.00)
  • Win a Fight With One Hand Behind Your Back in Career Mode or Free Play

    9.85% (528.00)
  • Block All Hits of a Swarm Using Only One Hand in Career Mode or Free Play

    15.95% (326.00)
  • Rile Up the Audience After Knocking Down Your Opponent in Career Mode or Free Play

    75.75% (69.00)
  • Win a Fight After Getting Knocked Down 3 Times in Career Mode or Free Play

    42.45% (122.00)