• 5,410 Trophies Earned
  • 419 Players Tracked
  • 13 Total Trophies
  • 52 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 415 Platinum Club
  • 412 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other trophies

    99.05% (4.00)
  • Have a special encounter

    100.00% (4.00)
  • Strange metallic buildings appear

    99.76% (4.00)
  • Julian appears in the office ...

    99.28% (4.00)
  • Approach Reeds' old house

    99.28% (4.00)
  • Have a conversion with Charlotte about Maddy's role

    99.28% (4.00)
  • Meet a member of the Freedom's Dawn

    99.05% (4.00)
  • Maddy is in a difficult situation

    99.05% (4.00)
  • Examine the crime scene in the gym

    99.05% (4.00)
  • The mayor makes a bad decision...

    99.05% (4.00)
  • Find a strange ally in the complot

    99.05% (4.00)
  • Mrs. Murdoch needs help ...

    99.52% (4.00)
  • Get to see one ending

    99.05% (4.00)