• 208,226 Trophies Earned
  • 15,215 Players Tracked
  • 19 Total Trophies
  • 1,396 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,335 Points
  • 7,246 Platinum Club
  • 7,239 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collected all other CS:GO trophies

    47.68% (133.00)
  • Kill an enemy while they are reloading

    97.12% (3.00)
  • Win a knife fight

    59.38% (107.00)
  • Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a sniper rifle of your own

    75.35% (84.00)
  • Kill an airborne enemy

    61.26% (104.00)
  • Kill an enemy with the last bullet in your magazine (excluding sniper rifles and Zeus x27)

    92.55% (4.00)
  • Kill an enemy while you are blinded from a flashbang

    67.15% (95.00)
  • Win a round by picking up the bomb from a fallen comrade and successfully planting it

    57.44% (111.00)
  • Kill an enemy with the first bullet after your respawn protection ends in Arms Race mode

    78.84% (81.00)
  • Kill four enemies within a single round

    87.70% (4.00)
  • In Classic mode, kill five enemies in a single round

    70.96% (90.00)
  • Kill an enemy who is leading the hostages without injuring the hostages

    67.26% (95.00)
  • Be the first player to get a kill in an Arms Race or Demolition match

    75.55% (84.00)
  • Survive more than 30 seconds with less than ten health in Arms Race or Demolition mode

    68.22% (93.00)
  • Kill a player who is on gold knife level in Arms Race Mode

    65.47% (97.00)
  • Kill an enemy who is dominating you

    76.62% (83.00)
  • Dominate an enemy

    84.92% (4.00)
  • Kill an enemy whom you are already dominating

    82.19% (4.00)
  • Win an Arms Race match without dying

    52.90% (120.00)