• 176,230 Trophies Earned
  • 30,297 Players Tracked
  • 31 Total Trophies
  • 19,538 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,275 Points
  • 538 Platinum Club
  • 534 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain all other trophies

    1.78% (2187.00)
  • Complete the room of Trials

    100.00% (39.00)
  • Defeat Xak'olchir, the Blood Hunter

    48.62% (80.00)
  • Defeat Litz & Nepac, the Cursed Twins

    23.05% (169.00)
  • Defeat the Dark Avatar of the Jaguar

    10.83% (359.00)
  • Defeat K'ax taca, High Lord of the Storm

    36.89% (106.00)
  • Defeat Malok paal, the Flesh Monstrosity

    19.59% (199.00)
  • Defeat the Dark Avatar of the Eagle

    8.89% (438.00)
  • Defeat Xucat', the Witch

    34.77% (112.00)
  • Defeat Ratyapu, the Abomination

    16.85% (231.00)
  • Defeat the Dark Avatar of the Serpent

    8.23% (473.00)
  • Defeat Clovis Pardieux, Champion of Death

    5.16% (754.00)
  • Become the new Champion of Death

    2.30% (1693.00)
  • Start a "Special Event"

    38.91% (100.00)
  • Complete 10 different "Special Events"

    2.40% (1622.00)
  • Unlock a Blessing of the Dead Gods

    66.15% (59.00)
  • Unlock 20 Blessings of the Dead Gods

    3.74% (1041.00)
  • Unlock 5 Forsaken Weapons

    23.52% (166.00)
  • Unlock 20 Forsaken Weapons

    8.99% (433.00)
  • Write 5 Bestiary entries

    24.08% (162.00)
  • Write all Bestiary entries with their complete sketches

    1.78% (2187.00)
  • Unlock all Weapon Altars upgrades

    3.56% (1094.00)
  • Get 3 successful Parries in less than 2 seconds

    12.64% (308.00)
  • Achieve a x10 "Greed Kill" series

    32.14% (121.00)
  • Lift the Final Curse

    14.36% (271.00)
  • Equip a hidden Champion weapon

    11.36% (343.00)
  • Make 10 Blood Offerings during a single exploration

    3.94% (988.00)
  • Complete any exploration with 50 or more Constitution

    4.28% (910.00)
  • Complete any exploration with 50 or more Dexterity

    4.53% (859.00)
  • Complete any exploration with 50 or more Perception

    3.99% (976.00)
  • Equip the three weapons slots with Cursed weapons

    3.68% (1058.00)