• 120,051 Trophies Earned
  • 24,963 Players Tracked
  • 13 Total Trophies
  • 8,873 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 639 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Ate and drank something.

    88.38% (9.00)
  • Equipped a firearm, a melee weapon and a backpack.

    74.25% (144.00)
  • Killed my first infected.

    99.75% (8.00)
  • Cooked a steak on a stick.

    27.42% (390.00)
  • Ignited fire using a matchbox, a road flare and a hand drill.

    9.26% (1154.00)
  • Shaved my face.

    36.31% (294.00)
  • Gutted a deer.

    17.61% (607.00)
  • Killed a survivor at more than three hundred meters.

    8.75% (1221.00)
  • Killed an infected soldier.

    60.79% (176.00)
  • Applied bandages on other survivors thirty times.

    6.54% (1633.00)
  • Handcuffed ten people.

    8.28% (1290.00)
  • Killed fifteen survivors with any melee weapon.

    6.44% (1659.00)
  • Killed twenty survivors or infected with a head-shot.

    37.13% (288.00)