• 20,237 Trophies Earned
  • 1,510 Players Tracked
  • 24 Total Trophies
  • 1,731 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 623 Platinum Club
  • 620 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn every trophy.

    41.06% (101.00)
  • Beat the entire game within 1 hour without quitting.

    41.13% (101.00)
  • Beat the entire game without dying or quitting.

    41.19% (101.00)
  • War

    Get a five star rating on every mission.

    41.46% (100.00)
  • Clear a stage with only headshot kills.

    70.66% (59.00)
  • Clear the first mission.

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Kill an undead... using the toilet.

    83.44% (2.00)
  • Buy a weapon from Charon.

    84.44% (2.00)
  • Collect all memory tapes.

    42.19% (98.00)
  • Clear a stage with only melee weapons.

    52.65% (79.00)
  • Kill Puff without using the Tommy Gun.

    55.83% (74.00)
  • Melee a Bouncer to death.

    84.57% (2.00)
  • Clear 'The Bogeyman' without being seen.

    48.74% (85.00)
  • Clear all Zombie Kingz missions.

    66.16% (63.00)
  • Kill a vampire mid-air.

    59.47% (70.00)
  • Clear 'The Bloody Mary' without letting any vampires revive.

    52.98% (78.00)
  • Kill Amber with a melee weapon, and Evelyn with a ranged weapon.

    45.43% (91.00)
  • Clear all 1000 Year Royals missions.

    51.85% (80.00)
  • Kill a Sergeant mid-spin.

    53.51% (78.00)
  • Destroy a body as it's being revived.

    43.58% (95.00)
  • Clear 'Timur The Tinkerer' with only trap kills.

    44.90% (92.00)
  • Clear all Dredged missions.

    49.14% (84.00)
  • Clear Vall's nest using only headshots.

    42.38% (98.00)
  • Clear 'Ibzan' without being seen once.

    43.25% (96.00)