• 819,043 Trophies Earned
  • 44,862 Players Tracked
  • 59 Total Trophies
  • 6,133 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,410 Points
  • 6,846 Platinum Club
  • 3,675 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all other trophies.

    15.26% (164.00)
  • Take out an invading Julianna while playing as Colt.

    59.92% (42.00)
  • While playing as Julianna, cross Colt off your kill list.

    26.26% (95.00)
  • Complete 'Ending It.'

    33.36% (75.00)
  • Complete 'The Longest Day.'

    63.25% (39.00)
  • Complete 'The Ballad of Ramblin' Frank.'

    36.82% (68.00)
  • Complete 'Lost in Transmission.'

    39.29% (64.00)
  • Complete 'Afternoon Delight.'

    35.89% (70.00)
  • Complete 'What Wenjies Want.'

    35.01% (71.00)
  • Complete 'Radio Silence.'

    35.19% (71.00)
  • Escape to Updaam.

    99.60% (25.00)
  • Survive all 4 time periods in one day.

    59.09% (42.00)
  • After acquiring Reprise, die for real - or what passes for real in the Loop.

    68.46% (36.00)
  • Absorb Residuum from a body - like some kind of temporal sponge.

    53.37% (47.00)
  • While playing as Colt, kill Frank. Or Charlie. Or Fia. Or Wenjie. Or Aleksis. Or Harriet. Egor will do as well.

    54.27% (46.00)
  • Kill each Visionary at least once.

    36.88% (68.00)
  • Kill Aleksis using his meat grinder.

    19.93% (125.00)
  • Kill Frank using a Slab ability. Take a bow.

    19.44% (128.00)
  • Kill Harriet with poisonous gas.

    18.83% (133.00)
  • Kill Charlie within the rules of Condition Detachment.

    19.88% (126.00)
  • Kill all versions of Wenjie within a 90-second period. Simple.

    16.23% (154.00)
  • Kill Egor while he's under the influence of a nullifier.

    20.18% (124.00)
  • Kill Fia without causing a deadly reaction.

    38.74% (64.00)
  • Kill Charlie and Fia with a single bullet.

    21.83% (114.00)
  • Kill 3 targets at Aleksis' party without being seen. Leave Updaam satisfied, knowing you made the party a better place.

    15.93% (157.00)
  • Infuse a Slab.

    47.80% (52.00)
  • While playing as Colt, own all upgrades for a Slab.

    32.64% (77.00)
  • As Colt, inflict a truckload of damage to Eternalists during a single use of Havoc.

    17.17% (145.00)
  • As Colt, transport an enemy onto a mine using Shift.

    17.56% (142.00)
  • As Colt, transmit damage over more than 20 meters using Nexus.

    18.97% (132.00)
  • As Colt, achieve 3 airborne headshots on enemies you've launched using Karnesis.

    18.32% (136.00)
  • While using Aether as Colt, kill 3 enemies without alerting nearby enemies.

    26.06% (96.00)
  • As Julianna, disguise yourself as Colt using Masquerade.

    20.33% (123.00)
  • Take 36 different Trinkets into the field with you while playing as Colt.

    21.44% (116.00)
  • Infuse one of each type of weapon.

    17.07% (146.00)
  • Die every which way as Colt: Drown. Fall. Choke on poison gas. Succumb to fatal depressurization. Get blown up. Shot. Stabbed. Ground up. Fried by a rocket. Oh, and obliterated by a reactor. Fun, right?

    15.83% (158.00)
  • Equip a loadout worth more than 45100 Residuum.

    34.76% (72.00)
  • Kill a Visionary using a full loadout, without any empty slots or sockets, and escape the map.

    28.35% (88.00)
  • Complete one AEON dossier.

    37.38% (67.00)
  • Enter a map with an empty loadout and kill all Visionaries present. Leave the map. Wash your hands.

    17.95% (139.00)
  • Kill all Visionaries in a map - and make it to the exit - without using a gun.

    21.75% (115.00)
  • Get in and out of a map without being spotted - and kill all Visionaries present.

    21.89% (114.00)
  • Kill all Visionaries present in a map and escape without killing any Eternalists.

    28.17% (89.00)
  • Kill everyone in a time period and escape.

    39.53% (63.00)
  • Finish an entire loop while wearing a ClassPass.

    18.19% (137.00)
  • After finishing the game once, kill all Visionaries in a map and escape.

    20.50% (122.00)
  • Kill all Visionaries - and no Eternalists - in a single loop.

    15.94% (157.00)
  • Prove you're a real gamer by winning Charlie's Wake Up Challenge, Reward Scheme, the Moxie, Haul-A-Quinn, and the Yerhva.

    15.94% (157.00)
  • While playing as Colt, ignite a gas cloud while someone is inside it.

    32.51% (77.00)
  • While playing as Colt, use candy to gain a tactical advantage.

    38.02% (66.00)
  • Absorb more than 20000 Residuum in a map.

    46.40% (54.00)
  • Kill 3 enemies with the machete in 10 seconds.

    60.93% (41.00)
  • Enter 0451 at a keypad.

    29.68% (84.00)
  • Kill the (mostly) naked character in each map.

    16.20% (154.00)
  • While playing as Colt, cause someone to fall to their death.

    56.68% (44.00)

Golden Loop Update DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Kill the Garbage Collector and acquire the Fugue slab.

    12.35% (202.00)
  • Acquire the HALPS Prototype and disintegrate a Visionary.

    13.05% (191.00)
  • Use the experimental machine in Karl's Bay to craft a doubly-powerful trinket.

    10.91% (229.00)
  • Kill an Eternalist with a Paint Bomb.

    12.50% (200.00)