• 6,952 Trophies Earned
  • 486 Players Tracked
  • 43 Total Trophies
  • 24,101 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,440 Points
  • 6 Platinum Club
  • 5 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You have obtained all of the trophies.

    1.23% (3202.00)
  • Defeat Deathscythe, the Wandering Reaper!

    95.06% (41.00)
  • Defeat Jordan, the Buried Baron!

    87.86% (45.00)
  • Defeat Whroon, Conjurer of the Forest!

    86.01% (46.00)
  • Defeat Sakura, Witch of the Swamp Wastes!

    84.57% (47.00)
  • Defeat Mary, the Giant Cow!

    83.54% (47.00)
  • Defeat Bavaria, the God of Flames!

    82.10% (48.00)
  • Defeat Devaria and Givaria, the Twin Wyrms!

    48.97% (80.00)
  • Defeat Jitterbug, He who Opens the Door!

    74.28% (53.00)
  • Defeat Tyrannosatan, the Demonic Imperator!

    74.07% (53.00)
  • Select Level 3 five times while playing. (Arcade, Normal only)

    33.54% (117.00)
  • Clear the Gorge and Hades Castle having selected Level 3 for all stages. (Arcade, Normal only)

    23.46% (168.00)
  • Clear the game. (no continues. Arcade, Normal only)

    12.35% (319.00)
  • Clear Deathsmiles Version 1.1 with all maps at Level 3! (no continues, incl. EXMAP)

    1.85% (2129.00)
  • Reach a score of 100,000,000 points. (Arcade, Normal only)

    8.64% (456.00)
  • Reach a score of 200,000,000 points. (Arcade, Normal only)

    2.06% (1912.00)
  • Reach a score of 300,000,000 points. (Arcade, Normal only)

    1.23% (3202.00)
  • Reach a score of 10,000,000,000 points. (MBL Ver. 1.1 only)

    6.17% (638.00)
  • Defeat Lily in either Arcade or IIX Mode at any level.

    68.52% (57.00)
  • Defeat Bigote in either Arcade or IIX Mode at any level.

    59.26% (66.00)
  • Defeat Heavy Snake in either Arcade or IIX Mode at any level.

    56.17% (70.00)
  • Defeat Tamecos in either Arcade or IIX Mode at any level.

    54.73% (72.00)
  • Defeat Tartaros in IIX Mode at any level.

    53.29% (74.00)
  • Defeat Mad Teddy & Mad Bunny in IIX Mode at any internal rank.

    35.80% (110.00)
  • Defeat Satan Claws in Arcade or IIX Mode at any level.

    50.62% (78.00)
  • Clear the game in either Arcade or IIX Mode at any level.

    50.62% (78.00)
  • Reach a score of 1,000,000,000 points in IIX Mode.

    12.35% (319.00)
  • Throw a Familiar at any level.

    33.54% (117.00)
  • Clear Arranged Mode without continuing at any level.

    16.67% (236.00)
  • Stay in Power-up Mode for more than 60 seconds at any level.

    27.16% (145.00)
  • Maintain Fever Mode for more than 60 seconds at any level.

    7.20% (547.00)
  • Make 1,024 items of any type appear at any level.

    19.14% (206.00)
  • Defeat Pigeon Blood Jitterbug.

    3.91% (1007.00)
  • Select Level 3 for all stages, and clear Lost Paradise and Chateau in IIX Mode. (no continues)

    2.67% (1475.00)
  • Reach a score of 4,000,000,000 points.

    4.53% (869.00)
  • Reach a score of 6,000,000,000 points in IIX Mode.

    2.06% (1912.00)

Gothic wa Mahou Otome DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Clear the game using Ranun without continuing.

    5.97% (660.00)
  • Clear the game using Rosa without continuing.

    5.35% (736.00)
  • Clear the game using Souffle without continuing.

    6.38% (617.00)
  • Clear the game using Cattleya without continuing.

    4.73% (833.00)
  • Clear the game using Plumeria without continuing.

    4.94% (797.00)
  • Defeat a boss while in Power-up Mode.

    17.90% (220.00)
  • Defeat Jitterbug, He who Opens the Door!

    19.96% (197.00)