• 4,679 Trophies Earned
  • 1,265 Players Tracked
  • 12 Total Trophies
  • 9,129 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 78 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Achieved your first glory.

    92.49% (12.00)
  • Crafted 10 weapons.

    13.68% (959.00)
  • Made 100 successful challenges.

    19.05% (689.00)
  • Awarded 30 titles.

    15.65% (838.00)
  • Achieved Season Level 100.

    14.31% (917.00)
  • Killed a cryptid and earned 10,000 GP.

    31.70% (414.00)
  • Wowed the audience with over 10,000 GP in a single match.

    98.42% (11.00)
  • Became a superstar with 1,000,000 cumulative GP.

    9.57% (1371.00)
  • Triumphed while taking less than 1,000 damage.

    26.09% (503.00)
  • Defeated 100 opponents.

    16.68% (786.00)
  • Achieved second place or better without killing anyone.

    26.09% (503.00)
  • Achieved glory 100 times.

    6.17% (2126.00)