• 189,178 Trophies Earned
  • 21,171 Players Tracked
  • 70 Total Trophies
  • 22,224 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,800 Points
  • 301 Platinum Club
  • 207 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all other Deep Rock Galactic trophies

    1.42% (1364.00)
  • Complete your first assignment.

    29.76% (65.00)
  • Ride a barrel in the spacerig for three seconds.

    27.84% (70.00)
  • Through skillfull maneuvering, you put a barrel in every seat in the Drop Pod. Well done?

    13.51% (143.00)
  • You stuffed every single barrel on the Space Rig into the Drop Pod. Management weeps.

    6.39% (303.00)
  • You kicked every barrel into the Launch Bay. You are why Mission Control drinks.

    12.38% (156.00)
  • Successfully play 10 consecutive missions without kicking a single barrel on the Space Rig.

    23.50% (82.00)
  • Defeat and fix a BET-C.

    24.88% (78.00)
  • Participate in killing 20 Bulk Detonators.

    7.74% (250.00)
  • Collect 10 Bittergems.

    4.29% (451.00)
  • Collect 20 Compressed Gold Chunks.

    6.23% (311.00)
  • You've collected 5 mysterious alien artifacts. They are hot to the touch, and smells faintly of...tarmac?

    6.88% (282.00)
  • Ride Molly for 15 seconds.

    20.40% (95.00)
  • Ride the Silicate Harvester for 30 seconds.

    9.16% (211.00)
  • You stayed in a mission for an hour or longer.

    13.99% (138.00)
  • Complete your first mission.

    99.51% (19.00)
  • Complete 100 missions.

    10.59% (183.00)
  • Complete 500 missions.

    2.60% (745.00)
  • Survive a Hazard Level 3 mission from start to finish.

    34.11% (57.00)
  • Successfully complete three Hazard Level 3 missions from start to finish in a row.

    22.40% (86.00)
  • Survive a Hazard Level 4 mission from start to finish.

    15.33% (126.00)
  • Successfully complete four Hazard Level 4 missions from start to finish in a row.

    7.19% (269.00)
  • Successfully complete a Hazard Level 5 mission from start to finish.

    4.68% (414.00)
  • Successfully complete five Hazard Level 5 missions from start to finish in a row.

    2.98% (650.00)
  • Successfully complete a Hazard Level 3 mission from start to finish where no dwarf goes down and without ordering a resupply.

    10.62% (182.00)
  • Successfully complete a Hazard Level 4 mission from start to finish where no dwarf goes down and without ordering a resupply.

    4.27% (454.00)
  • Successfully complete a Hazard Level 5 mission from start to finish where no dwarf goes down and without ordering a resupply.

    2.93% (661.00)
  • Successfully complete 20 missions tagged with Warnings from start to finish.

    10.60% (183.00)
  • You've hosted and successfully completed 50 team missions from start to finish.

    7.60% (255.00)
  • Successfully complete 25 missions where at least 1 player is 10 player ranks lower than you.

    7.97% (243.00)
  • You've completed 10 Solo missions. Impressive.

    9.87% (196.00)
  • Complete 25 Milestones.

    26.28% (74.00)
  • Unlock 10 Perk Nodes.

    30.12% (64.00)
  • Promote any Dwarf at least once.

    14.66% (132.00)
  • Promote any two Dwarves at least once.

    7.24% (268.00)
  • Promote any three Dwarves at least once.

    5.62% (345.00)
  • Promote all four Dwarves at least once.

    4.68% (414.00)
  • Earn a Silver promotion.

    3.66% (529.00)
  • Earn a Gold promotion.

    2.38% (814.00)
  • Earn Silver Promotions for all four dwarves.

    2.06% (940.00)
  • Earn Gold Promotions for all four dwarves.

    1.69% (1146.00)
  • You unlocked a new primary and secondary weapon for the same character.

    16.78% (115.00)
  • You purchased a Mod in every tier for one of each upgradable item in the Equipment Terminal for the same character.

    19.83% (98.00)
  • You purchased a Mod in every tier for Bosco.

    19.90% (97.00)
  • Purchase five moustaches for one character.

    15.71% (123.00)
  • Customize each accessory slot of a character.

    11.53% (168.00)
  • You scored 1000 weakspot hits. Impressive.

    31.77% (61.00)
  • You've completed 100 Solo missions. Most impressive.

    2.98% (650.00)
  • Ride the Silicate Harvester with three other dwarves and kill five enemies each without leaving.

    2.56% (757.00)
  • Complete 10 Milestones.

    34.84% (56.00)

Deep Dives DLC trophies

Earned Date

Missions DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Fix 50 Mini M.U.L.E.s.

    9.83% (197.00)
  • Participate in killing 40 Dreadnoughts.

    8.04% (241.00)
  • Participate in killing two Dreadnoughts within five minutes on Hazard Level 3 or higher.

    8.35% (232.00)
  • Participate in killing two Dreadnoughts within 30 seconds on Hazard Level 3 or higher.

    4.74% (409.00)
  • Kill 15 enemies while standing on the drilldozer with 3 other dwarves

    7.42% (261.00)
  • Grind on a pipe for 120 seconds without stopping.

    4.09% (474.00)
  • You were the last dwarf standing, with no primary or secondary ammo left, just when a Dreadnought spawned. Some days you should just stay in bed...

    2.57% (754.00)
  • You took the most damage from a Dreadnought out of your whole team.

    26.13% (74.00)

Abyss Bar DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • In the Barrel Hoop game, achieve a score of 3000 or more in less than 100 kicks.

    3.02% (641.00)
  • Rubbish goes in the bin, not the intricate machinery of the Barrel Hoop!

    16.13% (120.00)
  • Sacrificed yourself to the Barrel Hoop while intoxicated.

    16.84% (115.00)
  • You spent an hour or more shaking your money maker.

    4.48% (432.00)
  • What a team player. You've paid for 25 rounds at the Abyss Bar.

    12.60% (154.00)
  • You threw a toast to good music while in a full team.

    5.45% (355.00)
  • Dat accuracy. You kicked ten barrels into the hoop without a single miss.

    18.20% (106.00)
  • Play 25 songs on the jukebox. (songs must play to the end to count)

    9.62% (201.00)