• 214,012 Trophies Earned
  • 5,367 Players Tracked
  • 63 Total Trophies
  • 2,130 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 1,868 Platinum Club
  • 1,866 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies for Defense Grid 2.

    34.86% (56.00)
  • Kill an alien boss creature. (Juggernaut, Rumbler, Turtle, or Crasher)

    75.05% (26.00)
  • Earn a silver (or better) medal.

    98.25% (20.00)
  • Use the Orbital Laser Special Weapon (General Cai).

    85.47% (23.00)
  • Survive 100 waves on Grinder challenge mode on any mission.

    52.00% (38.00)
  • Earn a Gold Medal.

    95.60% (20.00)
  • Complete the single player campaign in Story Mode.

    49.88% (39.00)
  • Earn a silver medal (or better) on all missions in the Story mode.

    47.46% (41.00)
  • Earn 100 Gold Medals on any missions.

    35.27% (56.00)
  • Kill 1000 aliens.

    85.15% (23.00)
  • Build every tower and every upgrade for each tower.

    51.63% (38.00)
  • Earn a gold medal on every mission in Story mode.

    45.46% (43.00)
  • Earn a Bronze (or better) medal in a Single Player Mission.

    99.39% (20.00)
  • Sell 10 towers or more in a single mission.

    62.16% (32.00)
  • Beat a Chapter 4 mission or higher with zero cores captured.

    55.52% (35.00)
  • Save a core that is less than 10 seconds away from the map's exit point.

    88.32% (22.00)
  • Recover a loose core.

    96.12% (20.00)
  • Earn a Gold medal in a Coordinated Defense Multiplayer Mission.

    42.74% (46.00)
  • Build 100 Boost towers.

    60.01% (33.00)
  • Win any mission without selling any towers.

    96.22% (20.00)
  • Kill an alien carrying a power core.

    96.12% (20.00)
  • Build 1 of each tower type in any single mission.

    61.32% (32.00)
  • Build and fully upgrade each tower type in one mission.

    51.61% (38.00)
  • Kill 1 alien.

    100.00% (20.00)
  • Kill 100 aliens.

    97.54% (20.00)
  • Kill 10,000 aliens.

    53.57% (37.00)
  • Kill 50,000 aliens.

    37.23% (53.00)
  • Win a mission with at least 1,000 resources remaining.

    87.96% (22.00)
  • Win a mission with at least 5,000 resources remaining.

    66.52% (29.00)
  • Win a mission with at least 10,000 resources remaining.

    58.36% (34.00)
  • Sell 10 towers.

    68.90% (28.00)
  • Build 100 Gun towers.

    63.05% (31.00)
  • Build 100 Inferno towers.

    50.98% (38.00)
  • Build 100 Laser towers.

    50.03% (39.00)
  • Build 100 Temporal towers.

    44.79% (44.00)
  • Build 100 Meteor towers.

    48.82% (40.00)
  • Build 100 Tesla towers.

    46.80% (42.00)
  • Build 100 Cannon towers.

    52.34% (37.00)
  • Build 100 Missile towers.

    47.77% (41.00)
  • Build 100 Concussion towers.

    45.26% (43.00)
  • Using only Gun towers, Win any chapter 4 (or later) mission.

    48.15% (41.00)
  • Using only Inferno towers, Win any chapter 4 (or later) mission.

    46.26% (42.00)
  • Using only Cannon towers, Win any chapter 4 (or later) mission.

    46.66% (42.00)
  • Using only level 1 towers, Win any Chapter 4 (or later) mission.

    46.53% (42.00)
  • Win a chapter 4 (or later) mission with level 3 towers only and no selling.

    48.72% (40.00)
  • Upgrade a tower.

    99.98% (20.00)
  • Inspect 10 aliens.

    56.96% (34.00)
  • Use the speed up control for a total of 60 seconds in any mission.

    87.01% (23.00)
  • Use the Reload Checkpoint option.

    85.47% (23.00)
  • Finish all the missions in Chapter 1 in Story Mode.

    74.85% (26.00)
  • Build 20 towers of any type in one mission.

    94.28% (21.00)
  • Build 50 towers of any type in one mission.

    71.88% (27.00)
  • Use the reload checkpoint option five times in a single mission.

    62.10% (32.00)
  • Survive 100 waves on any Super Grinder challenge mode.

    48.89% (40.00)
  • Use the command shuttle to move 6 map sections in Mission 6.

    45.85% (43.00)
  • Win a Gold medal on mission 19 without using the Command Shuttle.

    49.60% (40.00)
  • Enable a Tower Augmentation item on any tower.

    71.57% (27.00)
  • Enable a Tower Augmentation Item on 10 Towers.

    40.66% (48.00)
  • Use the Temporal Cannon Special Weapon (Colonel Rissler).

    53.08% (37.00)
  • Use the Resource Reinforcement Special Weapon (Professor Briel).

    64.32% (30.00)
  • Use the Tower Overcharge Special Weapon (Advisor Zacara).

    61.71% (32.00)
  • Use the Core Teleport special weapon (Professor Taylor).

    47.21% (42.00)
  • Use the Precision Targeting Special Weapon (Rear Admiral Phillips).

    49.66% (39.00)