• 11,288 Trophies Earned
  • 513 Players Tracked
  • 23 Total Trophies
  • 46 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,335 Points
  • 463 Platinum Club
  • 463 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock every Trophy.

    90.25% (2.00)
  • Complete a Hidden Object Puzzle without a Hint.

    97.66% (2.00)
  • Complete a Hidden Object Puzzle without a mistake.

    93.18% (2.00)
  • Complete a Hidden Object Puzzle in less than a minute.

    96.30% (2.00)
  • Finish 3 Hidden Object Puzzles without a Hint.

    96.69% (2.00)
  • Find 3 Hidden Objects within 3 seconds.

    97.27% (2.00)
  • Complete a Minigame in less than a minute.

    98.25% (2.00)
  • Finish all Minigames without skipping them.

    92.01% (2.00)
  • Complete 5 Minigames without skipping them.

    97.27% (2.00)
  • Find one Collectible.

    99.81% (2.00)
  • Collect all collectible Stars and Diamonds.

    90.64% (2.00)
  • Complete your first interactive Hidden Object Puzzle as an archaeologist.

    98.83% (2.00)
  • Find and use the Gauntlet for the first time.

    97.66% (2.00)
  • Find the upgrade for your Gauntlet.

    96.69% (2.00)
  • Use the Gauntlet to talk to the mummy for the first time.

    96.30% (2.00)
  • Pass all the traps on the bridge and live to tell the tale!

    96.10% (2.00)
  • Escape Seth's dungeon and reach the surface.

    95.52% (2.00)
  • Travel with Bennu to the Rose of War to find a way to the Dreamatorium.

    95.32% (2.00)
  • Defeat the Undead King.

    94.93% (2.00)
  • Find the gate to the Dreamatorium.

    94.93% (2.00)
  • Answer all of Sphinx's questions correctly.

    94.93% (2.00)
  • Find all parts of Horus' soul.

    94.93% (2.00)
  • Save the world.

    94.93% (2.00)