• 4,881,633 Trophies Earned
  • 196,960 Players Tracked
  • 61 Total Trophies
  • 9,441 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,620 Points
  • 16,300 Platinum Club
  • 5,785 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain all trophies in Destiny.

    8.29% (459.00)
  • Reverse a decision you made in an upgrade grid.

    85.90% (44.00)
  • Rebuild a Jumpship.

    100.00% (38.00)
  • Kill 25 Cabal with precision shots in 1 mission without dying.

    53.28% (71.00)
  • Decrypt 25 Engrams.

    71.12% (53.00)
  • Dismantle 50 pieces of armor or weapons.

    76.79% (50.00)
  • Obtain and equip a piece of Exotic gear.

    50.81% (75.00)
  • Obtain and equip a new personal vehicle.

    92.29% (41.00)
  • Have all armor and weapon slots equipped with Legendary or Exotic gear.

    39.55% (96.00)
  • Kill 25 Fallen with precision shots in 1 mission without dying.

    64.87% (59.00)
  • Attain a Grimoire score of 777.

    72.64% (52.00)
  • Kill 25 Hive with precision shots in 1 mission without dying.

    68.87% (55.00)
  • Inspect another player.

    77.71% (49.00)
  • Kill 5 enemies in 3 seconds.

    92.71% (41.00)
  • Earn Vanguard Rank 1.

    53.48% (71.00)
  • Earn Crucible Rank 1.

    43.01% (88.00)
  • Earn the highest tier of completion in 10 public events.

    46.57% (82.00)
  • Assist in capturing 50 capture points in Control.

    45.31% (84.00)
  • Assist in capturing 20 capture points in Salvage.

    20.76% (183.00)
  • Kill 100 Hunters in PvP.

    49.97% (76.00)
  • Kill 100 Titans in PvP.

    48.32% (79.00)
  • Kill 100 Warlocks in PvP.

    48.70% (78.00)
  • Earn a first strike kill in PvP.

    55.71% (68.00)
  • Register 25 kills in PvP with heavy weapons.

    38.18% (100.00)
  • Kill a Hunter, Titan, and Warlock without dying in a PvP match.

    41.28% (92.00)
  • Complete a Raid.

    34.21% (111.00)
  • Complete a Raid with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members.

    17.96% (212.00)
  • Complete a Raid on hard difficulty.

    25.68% (148.00)
  • Complete a Raid without anyone in your fireteam dying.

    9.13% (417.00)
  • Attain Vanguard Rank 3.

    41.40% (92.00)
  • Resurrect 5 fallen players.

    75.82% (50.00)
  • Complete a Strike.

    76.98% (49.00)
  • Complete a Strike with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members.

    22.61% (168.00)
  • Complete a Strike without anyone in your fireteam dying.

    44.86% (85.00)
  • Discover 50 dead ghosts.

    17.22% (221.00)
  • Kill a champion of the Dark.

    95.30% (40.00)
  • Fully upgrade a Hunter Subclass.

    28.38% (134.00)
  • Fully upgrade a Titan Subclass.

    28.07% (136.00)
  • Fully upgrade a Warlock Subclass.

    29.21% (130.00)
  • Fully upgrade an Exotic weapon.

    34.66% (110.00)
  • Fully upgrade a Legendary weapon.

    39.73% (96.00)
  • Kill 25 Vex with precision shots in 1 mission without dying.

    61.60% (62.00)

Destiny: The Taken King DLC trophies

Earned Date

Destiny: Rise of Iron DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Complete the "King of the Mountain" mission.

    24.32% (156.00)
  • Complete the "Rise of Iron" quest.

    22.61% (168.00)
  • Activate all Iron Lord Artifacts.

    8.06% (472.00)
  • Play the Rise of Iron theme on the bells in the Iron Temple.

    5.86% (649.00)
  • Complete the "Glory and the Taking of It" quest.

    15.06% (253.00)
  • Complete the "Kovik's Sin" quest.

    20.28% (188.00)
  • Complete an encounter in the Archon's Forge.

    19.78% (192.00)
  • Complete the "Wrath of the Machine" raid.

    10.69% (356.00)
  • Complete the "Wrath of the Machine" raid on heroic difficulty.

    7.06% (539.00)