• 88,712 Trophies Earned
  • 18,132 Players Tracked
  • 29 Total Trophies
  • 12,011 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 728 Platinum Club
  • 728 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all Destruction AllStars Trophies

    4.02% (956.00)
  • Earn all of the star objectives for a single event

    29.56% (130.00)
  • Earn all star objectives in Ultimo Barricados' Series, Mutual Respect

    12.97% (296.00)
  • Earn an S Rank Wreckognition rating or higher in any event

    50.28% (76.00)
  • Perform a vehicle emote in any online mode.

    23.53% (163.00)
  • Complete and Win a Mayhem event in Arcade mode.

    27.10% (142.00)
  • Complete and Win a Carnado event in Arcade mode

    21.67% (177.00)
  • Complete and Win a Gridfall event in Arcade mode.

    19.13% (201.00)
  • Complete and Win a Stockpile event in Arcade mode.

    20.75% (185.00)
  • Perform 100 Wrecks in any mode

    26.43% (145.00)
  • Wreck an opponent's hero vehicle in an online match

    85.31% (2.00)
  • Deal 100 damage whilst stealth in Cypher, without taking any damage in an online match

    17.27% (223.00)
  • Block 100 damage with the Undisputed's shield in a single use of the breaker in an online match

    16.57% (232.00)
  • Keep a full shield in Gravitron for 5 seconds in an online match

    6.99% (550.00)
  • Slice 2 vehicles in a single slice with Sabre in an online match

    7.79% (494.00)
  • Set all opponents on fire with one Cerberus Breaker in an online match

    4.88% (788.00)
  • Set 3 AllStars on fire at once with Wildfire in an online match

    17.68% (217.00)
  • Wreck 3 enemies using CRASHendo's Breaker in an online match

    5.43% (708.00)
  • Wreck 3 opponents with a single use of Mr. Sparkles' breaker in an online match

    5.29% (727.00)
  • Take out 3 targets in a single use of Xero's X-Ray in an online match

    6.29% (611.00)
  • Take out 3 targets using Number One's Lock on in an online match

    6.66% (577.00)
  • Wreck all opponents with Barong's Countdown in an online match

    4.49% (856.00)
  • Shred 3 cars in a single use of the Shredder in an online match

    9.40% (409.00)
  • Spike 3 Rivals at once with the Morningstar in an online match

    8.37% (459.00)
  • Attach drones to 3 enemies with The Boxmobile in one use in an online match

    5.08% (757.00)
  • Smoke 3 enemies with the Smoke Commander in one use in an online match

    6.06% (634.00)
  • Reach 135 MPH with Callisto in an online match

    26.29% (146.00)
  • Win 50 online matches

    5.55% (693.00)
  • Win an online match with 16 different AllStars

    8.42% (457.00)