• 234,698 Trophies Earned
  • 14,600 Players Tracked
  • 31 Total Trophies
  • 2,162 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 5,027 Platinum Club
  • 5,026 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all trophies

    34.43% (98.00)
  • Free the assassin Daud

    96.05% (35.00)
  • Take both bank vault keys

    75.07% (45.00)
  • Obtain an ancient weapon

    69.27% (49.00)
  • Recover the stolen archive

    66.98% (51.00)
  • Touch the Eye of the Dead God

    65.42% (52.00)
  • Return the Outsider to the mortal world

    54.23% (62.00)
  • Kill the Outsider

    56.68% (60.00)
  • Steal the audiograph from the gallery without disabling the safeguard floor

    42.49% (80.00)
  • Use Semblance to mimic Shan Yun and sing into the microphone

    52.05% (65.00)
  • Drop Ivan Jacobi through the trapdoor

    49.82% (68.00)
  • Win the auction at Colibron Plaza

    48.62% (70.00)
  • Open every safe inside the main vault

    56.47% (60.00)
  • Empty the vault without tampering with any security systems, leaving everyone unharmed and asleep

    37.43% (90.00)
  • Send the vault crashing through the floor

    44.56% (76.00)
  • Attend the meeting as Brother Cardoza

    42.11% (80.00)
  • Break 4 Oraculum censers and listen to the prophecies

    38.84% (87.00)
  • Destroy an Envisioned cultist

    48.89% (69.00)
  • Push an enemy to his demise using Void Strike

    48.05% (70.00)
  • Send someone flying 40 meters using Hook Mines

    39.55% (86.00)
  • Shoot a guard in the head with a fountain pen

    41.50% (82.00)
  • Use Displace on a marker placed with Foresight and eliminate a target

    46.16% (73.00)
  • Have a guard salute you

    47.45% (71.00)
  • Listen to what swarms of rats have to say 5 times

    87.47% (39.00)
  • Finish the game without being detected

    37.95% (89.00)
  • Finish a mission without killing anyone

    55.58% (61.00)
  • Finish the Original Game+

    36.35% (93.00)
  • Make 3 people vomit using a single bottle of Plagued Spirit

    46.64% (73.00)
  • Make an enemy explode into pieces using Displace

    63.94% (53.00)
  • Complete all contracts

    39.22% (86.00)
  • Collect all Eleuterio Cienfuegos paintings

    38.26% (89.00)