• 234,753 Trophies Earned
  • 8,276 Players Tracked
  • 45 Total Trophies
  • 1,682 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,305 Points
  • 3,458 Platinum Club
  • 3,456 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all other Trophies.

    41.93% (53.00)
  • Find the earth charm.

    92.62% (24.00)
  • Find the fire charm.

    82.27% (27.00)
  • Find the wind charm.

    71.33% (31.00)
  • Find the ice charm.

    67.62% (33.00)
  • Purchase an upgrade.

    81.03% (28.00)
  • Purchase 15 upgrades.

    62.37% (36.00)
  • Purchase all upgrades.

    46.16% (49.00)
  • Collect a tapestry piece.

    88.70% (25.00)
  • Complete a tapestry.

    55.59% (40.00)
  • Complete all tapestries.

    52.03% (43.00)
  • Collect a bow.

    98.59% (23.00)
  • Collect all bows.

    54.92% (41.00)
  • Collect a sword.

    100.00% (22.00)
  • Collect all swords.

    54.47% (41.00)
  • Collect an outfit.

    63.44% (35.00)
  • Collect all outfits.

    54.56% (41.00)
  • As Merida, defeat 15 enemies in a row without taking damage.

    70.20% (32.00)
  • As Merida, defeat 30 enemies in a row without taking damage.

    55.26% (41.00)
  • Defeat 100 enemies using the Fire charm.

    65.68% (34.00)
  • Defeat 250 enemies using the Fire charm.

    60.60% (37.00)
  • Defeat 100 enemies using the Ice charm.

    55.63% (40.00)
  • Defeat 250 enemies using the Ice charm.

    49.18% (46.00)
  • Defeat 100 enemies using the Wind charm.

    61.04% (37.00)
  • Defeat 250 enemies using the Wind charm.

    50.54% (44.00)
  • Defeat 100 enemies using the Earth charm.

    66.08% (34.00)
  • Defeat 250 enemies using the Earth charm.

    58.18% (39.00)
  • Defeat 100 enemies using power attack.

    48.55% (46.00)
  • Defeat 250 enemies using power attack.

    45.88% (49.00)
  • Defeat 100 enemies using charged shot.

    50.86% (44.00)
  • Defeat 250 enemies using charged shot.

    48.22% (47.00)
  • As Merida, defeat 5 enemies with a single charged shot.

    52.54% (43.00)
  • Defeat 100 enemies as Queen Elinor.

    60.11% (37.00)
  • As Elinor, charge 5 enemies with a single charge attack.

    50.62% (44.00)
  • Complete a level without using your sword.

    52.48% (43.00)
  • Solve a triplet puzzle.

    86.39% (26.00)
  • Solve all triplet puzzles.

    58.47% (38.00)
  • Accumulate a total of 1000 currency.

    82.90% (27.00)
  • Accumulate a total of 5000 currency.

    67.09% (33.00)
  • Accumulate a total of 15 000 currency.

    59.57% (38.00)
  • Cleanse the ring of stones.

    91.20% (25.00)
  • Defeat the rock golem guardian.

    62.22% (36.00)
  • Defeat the harpy guardian.

    59.30% (38.00)
  • Defeat Mor'du.

    57.23% (39.00)
  • Defeat the game on Brave difficulty, without changing it.

    42.47% (53.00)