• 10,497 Trophies Earned
  • 2,927 Players Tracked
  • 14 Total Trophies
  • 7,462 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 219 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Beat story mode with all characters.

    12.47% (723.00)
  • Win a ranked match using the YOLO gem.

    20.67% (436.00)
  • Win a ranked match by getting TOTAL DOMINATION.

    16.06% (561.00)
  • Fraud detect an opponent in a ranked match.

    28.43% (317.00)
  • Choke detect an opponent in a ranked match.

    19.85% (454.00)
  • Play 1000 matches in VS mode.

    8.44% (1068.00)
  • Play 500 ranked matches.

    8.64% (1043.00)
  • Get a triple S ranking in a ranked match.

    29.42% (306.00)
  • Win a ranked match without using any special moves.

    35.60% (253.00)
  • Win a ranked match without activating Kickfactor.

    37.68% (239.00)
  • Beat story mode using the YOLO gem.

    22.69% (397.00)
  • Knock out an opponent who is in Kickfactor while you are concussed in a ranked match.

    15.75% (572.00)
  • Beat story mode with one character.

    94.64% (7.00)
  • Play 2000 ranked matches.

    8.30% (1086.00)