• 12,487 Trophies Earned
  • 401 Players Tracked
  • 52 Total Trophies
  • 4,560 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,335 Points
  • 64 Platinum Club
  • 64 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Acquire all trophies, thereby surpassing the Glorious Death and attain Reincarnation.

    15.96% (259.00)
  • Defeat the stage 5 boss in Arcade Mode. (Only with default Game Settings; Continues/Quick Load allowed.)

    37.66% (110.00)
  • Clear Super Easy Mode. (Continues/Quick Load allowed.)

    70.57% (58.00)
  • Clear any of the Arrange Modes. (Continues/Quick Load allowed.)

    50.37% (82.00)
  • See Shotia’s ending. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange S/Luna Tour Modes eligible.)

    70.82% (58.00)
  • See Leinyan’s ending. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange L/Luna Tour Modes eligible.)

    55.36% (75.00)
  • See Exy’s ending. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange EX/Luna Tour Modes eligible.)

    64.34% (64.00)
  • Destroy the stage 1 midboss, Kangaku. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    96.26% (43.00)
  • Destroy the stage 1 boss, Suzaku. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    94.51% (44.00)
  • Destroy the stage 2 midboss, Raiso. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    92.02% (45.00)
  • Destroy the stage 2 boss, Byakko. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    90.02% (46.00)
  • Destroy the stage 3 midboss, Kura. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    87.28% (47.00)
  • Destroy the stage 3 boss, Genbu. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    87.03% (47.00)
  • Destroy the heavy rotary cannon Dogaku in stage 4. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    85.54% (48.00)
  • Destroy the stage 4 midboss, Shingaku. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    83.29% (50.00)
  • Destroy the stage 4 boss, Seiryu. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    84.54% (49.00)
  • Destroy the stage 5 midboss, Raiko. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    83.04% (50.00)
  • Destroy the stage 5 midboss, Iko. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    82.29% (50.00)
  • Destroy the stage 5 midboss, Ranko. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    81.55% (51.00)
  • Destroy the stage 5 boss, Koryu. (Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    81.30% (51.00)
  • Destroy Koryu in its flight form. (Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    78.80% (52.00)
  • Destroy Hibachi. (Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Timeout not qualifying.)

    77.56% (53.00)
  • Clear Super Easy Mode without dying. (Quick Load allowed.)

    44.64% (92.00)
  • In Arcade Mode, keep hitting a boss or a midboss with the laser for five consecutive seconds. (Only with default Game Settings; Continues/Quick Load allowed.)

    82.04% (50.00)
  • In Arcade Mode, destroy the stage 1 midboss Kangaku with a Laser Bomb. (Only with default Game Settings; Continues/Quick Load allowed.)

    37.16% (111.00)
  • In Arcade Mode, destroy any of the stage bosses with a Laser Bomb. (Only with default Game Settings; Continues/Quick Load allowed.)

    61.35% (67.00)
  • In Arcade Mode, reach a combo count of 1,000 in a stage before reaching the boss. (Only with default Game Settings; Continues/Quick Load allowed.)

    29.93% (138.00)
  • Collect the 1UP item that appears when you destroy the heavy rotary cannon Dogaku in stage 4 after destroying its left and right parts first. (Bombs shoudn’t be in effect at the moment of the boss’s destruction; Continues/Quick Load allowed; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible.)

    61.85% (67.00)
  • In Arcade Mode, destroy any of the stage bosses with the laser aura while in Hyper mode. (Only with default Game Settings; Continues/Quick Load allowed.)

    26.18% (158.00)
  • Use Quick Load in Arcade Mode. (Only with default Game Settings.)

    38.15% (108.00)
  • Play Arcade Osarai Mode for the first time.

    54.86% (75.00)
  • Clear 20 games in Arcade Osarai Mode.

    24.44% (169.00)
  • Reveal all Element Dolls in the Arcade Osarai Mode artwork.

    24.69% (167.00)
  • Play Arcade Challenge Mode for the first time.

    61.85% (67.00)
  • Play every area of Arcade Challenge Mode with every combination of fighters and Element Dolls.

    16.96% (243.00)
  • Play Luna Tour Mode for the first time.

    68.83% (60.00)
  • Clear every area of Luna Tour Mode with every combination of fighters and Element Dolls.

    17.71% (233.00)
  • Play Arcade Mode for the first time. (Only with default Game Settings.)

    87.53% (47.00)
  • Play Super Easy Mode for the first time.

    75.06% (55.00)
  • Play Arrange S Mode for the first time.

    68.08% (61.00)
  • Play Arrange L Mode for the first time.

    61.10% (68.00)
  • Play Arrange EX Mode for the first time.

    60.85% (68.00)
  • Start a game in Arcade Mode after tweaking Options.

    36.66% (113.00)
  • Hit bosses or midbosses with the laser for a total duration of 100 seconds. (Can be achieved through multiple runs; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Continues/Quick Load not allowed.)

    82.54% (50.00)
  • In Arcade Mode, collect 20 bees, each while having a combo count of 20 or higher. (Only with default Game Settings; Can be achieved through multiple runs; Continues/Quick Load not allowed.)

    42.89% (96.00)
  • Collect all bees without dying in each of the stages 1 through 5. (Can be achieved through multiple runs; Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Continues/Quick Load not allowed.)

    27.43% (150.00)
  • Activate Hyper while holding five Hyper items. (Super Easy/Arrange L/Arrange EX Modes eligible; Continues/Quick Load allowed.)

    41.40% (100.00)
  • Damage the stage 1 boss until it has less than 10% health, then make it drop Hyper items by destroying its left and right parts while they are revolving around the boss, and finally destroy the boss without either dying, using bombs, or using Hyper from that point onward. (Super Easy/Arrange Modes eligible; Quick Load allowed; Continues not allowed; Timeout not qualifying.)

    31.92% (129.00)
  • Play Black Label for the fist time.

    71.32% (58.00)
  • Play DoDonPachi III for the fist time.

    62.84% (66.00)
  • Reach the endling of Black Label with Shotia, Leinyan or Exy. (Continues/Quick Load allowed.)

    34.91% (118.00)
  • Reach the endling of DoDonPachi III with Shotia, Leinyan or Exy. (Continues/Quick Load allowed.)

    28.68% (144.00)