• 148,229 Trophies Earned
  • 8,104 Players Tracked
  • 21 Total Trophies
  • 424 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,275 Points
  • 6,415 Platinum Club
  • 6,404 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies.

    79.20% (150.00)
  • Release the hot air balloon.

    100.00% (6.00)
  • Destroy the donut shop.

    94.84% (6.00)
  • Destroy Raccoon Lagoon.

    94.30% (6.00)
  • Hack into the mainframe.

    93.88% (6.00)
  • Win the boss fight.

    92.82% (6.00)
  • Bring everyone back from underground.

    92.73% (6.00)
  • Complete the Trashopedia.

    85.71% (7.00)
  • Stock up on gamer fuel.

    91.51% (6.00)
  • Set Pepper's trailer on fire.

    92.67% (6.00)
  • Quack 100 times.

    85.69% (7.00)
  • Break 3 dozen eggs.

    83.06% (7.00)
  • Finish Gecko Park without collecting the radio.

    82.68% (7.00)
  • Complete the boss fight without taking damage.

    80.42% (7.00)
  • Lose the boss fight.

    82.55% (7.00)
  • Destroy Trash King's monitor.

    86.80% (7.00)
  • Destroy Trash King's monument.

    82.08% (7.00)
  • Make Chef's secret soup recipe.

    80.74% (7.00)
  • Fly through the donut hole.

    84.98% (7.00)
  • Find Trash King's secret getaway vehicle.

    82.58% (7.00)
  • Break into the vault at Raccoon HQ.

    79.66% (149.00)