Unlock Desertopolis
Unlock Nuclear Snowland
Unlock Forestville
Unlock Pacific Ocean
Cause a second Doomsday
Unlock Hot Spring Hotel
Get a 3x on the Supercharger 10 times
Get a 4x on the Supercharger 10 times
Spin the supercharger 100 times.
Spin the supercharger 10 times.
Squash 200 pests.
Squash 2000 pests.
Collect 10 Roomies
Squash 10000 pests.
Collect 20 Roomies
Collect 30 Roomies
Collect 50 Roomies
Collect 40 Roomies
Collect 60 Roomies
Cause a doomsday 10 times
Cause a doomsday 30 times
Cause a doomsday 20 times
Upgrade all rooms in a location to silver.
Upgrade all rooms in a location to gold.
Stop 10 incidents.
Upgrade all rooms in a location to green.
Stop 100 incidents.
Stop 1000 incidents.
Have lifetime profits of 1 Octodecillion
Have lifetime profits of over 1 Septillion.
Have lifetime profits of over 1 Novemvigintillion
Have lifetime profits of over 1 Sextrigintillion