• 230,262 Trophies Earned
  • 30,024 Players Tracked
  • 17 Total Trophies
  • 7,799 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 1,561 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Won after coming back from 3 goals down

    10.26% (1206.00)
  • Scored with a substitute

    38.10% (325.00)
  • Netted a free kick from 25 m or more

    12.92% (957.00)
  • Scored with a defender

    35.11% (352.00)
  • Pulled off a win by scoring in stoppage time

    24.58% (503.00)
  • Scored 3 goals with the same player in a match

    55.65% (222.00)
  • Performed a trick to get past a player and score

    35.19% (352.00)
  • Scored a goal on a counterattack

    94.62% (8.00)
  • Saved a penalty kick (not in penalty shootouts)

    34.73% (356.00)
  • Win with a clean sheet

    79.03% (157.00)
  • Won a match

    84.20% (9.00)
  • Scored a goal

    99.21% (7.00)
  • Scored two goals with the same player in a single match

    73.54% (168.00)
  • Scored a goal with a chip shot

    29.81% (415.00)
  • Scored 3 assists with the same player in a single match

    37.57% (329.00)
  • Scored a goal within 3 touches after a quick restart

    14.63% (845.00)
  • Blocked 5 shots in a single match (excluding GK saves)

    7.79% (1588.00)