• 25 Achievements Earned
  • 6 Players Tracked
  • 18 Total Achievements
  • 4,400 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Horhen had to fight Ralph so that the baby in his arms could get shelter.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Rui vaguely felt a warm embrace. Was it a dream or reality? Rui cannot recall.

    66.67% (129.00)
  • A voice is calling me in my sleep. Who is it? Who is disturbing my sleep?

    33.33% (258.00)
  • Did sleepy Rui have a nightmare? Or did she discover another side of the butler in a peculiar dimension?

    33.33% (258.00)
  • On the night of Rui's 15th birthday, the gang gave her a big surprise. Along with the joy of coming-of-age comes responsibility.

    100.00% (7.00)
  • In order to save grandma's magic shop, Rui said yes to Lykaon's unreasonable request and decided to face the challenge with Ralph and Sibal.

    66.67% (129.00)
  • To avoid Lykaon's harassment, Rui, Ralph and Sibal left the Green Cottage Magic Shop and set out on their journey.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • A mother who could not bear the loss of her child lost her mind, and her grudge became a curse that took on the form of a terrifying monster.

    16.67% (517.00)
  • For the control of Divine Mt. Forest Station, Pochtli engaged in a fierce battle with Yagamen.

    16.67% (517.00)
  • Whatever was in Rui's chest does not work anymore. It's all over.

    16.67% (517.00)
  • Look for the missing merchant Helgi and save him.

    16.67% (517.00)
  • To pass through the forest and head towards Divine Mt. Forest, there might be another way instead of beating Roar.

    16.67% (517.00)
  • Spend gold and trade with Nidhogg to get the key to Divine Mt. Forest Station.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Persuade Nidhogg to hand over the key to Divine Mt. Forest Station.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Kill Yagamen and save Pochtli.

    16.67% (517.00)
  • Save Pochtli and spare Yagamen' life.

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Give Alya the Water Storage Ball to help her relieve the draught of her homeland.

    16.67% (517.00)
  • Ask Alya to stay and help her look for a solution for the draught of her homeland.

    0.00% (0.00)