• 231,770 Trophies Earned
  • 15,417 Players Tracked
  • 34 Total Trophies
  • 2,971 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 3,953 Platinum Club
  • 3,941 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all bronze, silver and gold trophies.

    25.65% (134.00)
  • Wipe a tear from Tobi's cheek, and finish.

    54.04% (63.00)
  • Try Blake's patience at the front desk, and finish.

    99.69% (34.00)
  • Tell Lucien to get out of Erica's room, and finish.

    30.76% (111.00)
  • Slap Tobi, and finish.

    46.85% (73.00)
  • Escape Steinbeck's office without getting caught, and finish.

    49.94% (69.00)
  • Find the Chief Inspector with his most prized possession, and finish.

    36.71% (93.00)
  • Find Akal Johar's ledger and a key to the code within, and finish.

    54.30% (63.00)
  • Receive a note from the Chief Inspector, and finish.

    39.94% (86.00)
  • Find the Delphic Epsilon slide in Ballard's lab, and finish.

    29.55% (116.00)
  • Calm Kirstie when Hannah bleeds over the piano, and finish.

    59.45% (58.00)
  • Sign Kirstie's card, and finish.

    54.33% (63.00)
  • Find Erica's favourite photo of Alodie and prove you're magic, and finish.

    62.85% (54.00)
  • Hang out in the attic with Tobi, and finish.

    54.32% (63.00)
  • Do the rounds with Kirstie, and finish.

    54.31% (63.00)
  • Make perfume with Hannah, and finish.

    58.29% (59.00)
  • Kiss Blake... then injure him, and finish.

    27.15% (126.00)
  • Annoy Tobi, Kirstie, and Hannah, and finish.

    31.24% (110.00)
  • Save Tobi's life, and finish.

    83.34% (41.00)
  • Burn down Delphi House and leave alone.

    40.63% (84.00)
  • Burn down Delphi House and leave with friends.

    70.64% (48.00)
  • Join Lucien at Delphi House.

    33.96% (101.00)
  • Stay at Delphi House after being sedated.

    40.58% (84.00)
  • Accept the butterfly mask and become priestess.

    42.82% (80.00)
  • Play through without killing anyone, and finish.

    38.76% (88.00)
  • Kill everyone in one playthrough, and finish.

    31.87% (107.00)
  • Find all of the corpses in the game, and finish.

    30.75% (111.00)
  • See the fox four times, and finish.

    34.51% (99.00)
  • Spy on people whenever possible, and finish.

    26.85% (128.00)
  • Find all of the hidden documents, and finish.

    26.15% (131.00)
  • Disobey Blake at every turn, and finish.

    46.27% (74.00)
  • See all major endings.

    25.91% (132.00)
  • Find all of the oleander petals, and finish.

    30.84% (111.00)
  • Find all of the Delphic Epsilon locks, and finish.

    30.09% (114.00)